View Full Version : Screen fence help needed

30th May 2006, 02:08 PM
Hi all
I am a total newbie to all of this so please go easy on my J
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I have just had a pergola built in out back yard that has rendered brick columns and a tiled roof that is 5.6 meters x 9 meters in length. I would like to build a timber screen fence on one side for privacy and act as a wind block, I have versioned some nice chunky posts like 150mm x 150mm then laying Jarrah across the posts like a normal screen fence.
I have learned recently that trying to find Jarrah posts of this size is almost like trying to pull a rhino out of a hat so I am open to suggestions on a nicely dressed post that can be stained.
Also rather than laying the Jarrah palings across the front and rear of the posts I am planning to route a channel in the center of each post and slide the palings into the channels giving the same effect from the front and rear of the fence

30th May 2006, 02:23 PM
Maybe you could use some other type of post (treated pine??) and paint them the same colour as your rendered columns so they tie in with one another. This would be provided that the colour of post and jarrah do not clash.
Good luck, I am sure others will come up with some brilliant ideas.

30th May 2006, 08:29 PM
Hi Glen

I think you can get Red gum, Cypress Pine and Treated Pine posts in those dimensions (although you'll be lucky if you can lift the red gum).

Routing the channel sounds like it will look really good, but there is a couple of things that immediately spring to mind: Routing a channel increases places that moisture can gather and start to rot the timber. I think all those timbers have a good durability rating though, although if you chop a hole in treated pine you have to paint on a treatment. Also the rails running across may warp and bend a bit without intermediate support.

Overall it may be an overly 'heavy' and expensive way to achieve how you want it to look. I would be tempted to to look at some metal elements, as I think Jarrah looks good next to metal, and they will be lighter and cheaper than the big timber sections.

3rd June 2006, 02:31 AM
Maybe you like this.:cool: