View Full Version : New forum area needed?

Wild Dingo
4th June 2006, 05:32 AM
Ive been thinking quietly over the last couple of weeks... yes I know stop bloody doing that Shane!!

Anyways! What Ive been thinking is... since Ive just bought this wonderous Carving Jack knife thing from Carbetec and have sorta started carving... sorta due to the timber out in the desert being harder than your average granite I had to sorta wait till I returned home to get some wood less harder than granite to have a go at carving... so as Im heading off again on Monday I was wondering

Is there any chance there can be a carving section created? I mean theres gotta be carvers out there?... its either a new section or Im gonna be fillin up some inappropriate section with all the pics of me nicks and shavins and such!! And some wont like that!!

Anyways... Im takin a nice chunk of Huon some Sheoak some Sassafras and some Pauliwannia with me to "play" with... damn that carving jack knife thingy is flamin SHARP!! :eek: there I was out at the mine after work grabbed a nice wee chunk of gran... errr timber... opened it up... first blood... got the gouge blade out locked it in... second blood... put it to the wood... third blood... DAMN THAT THING IS LIKE A FREEKIN RAZOR!! I got smart when I noticed the knife sliding along the wood not even tryin to bite and folded it up tossed the granite wood like substance and left it for another day

So the next fortnight should maybe could possibly see something remotely carved like come out of me efforts!! Dont garantee brilliants or even arty pharty but do guarentee a bloody good time!! :D pun intended! ;)

4th June 2006, 08:16 AM
Trying to carve a niche for yourself, Shane?:confused::D

Wood Butcher
4th June 2006, 09:12 AM
Hey Shane there already is one!!

WOODCARVERS FORUM (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/forumdisplay.php?f=5)

Would be great to see some more contributions there too.

Wild Dingo
4th June 2006, 02:35 PM
Buggar! :( Seems Im a bit more optically challenged than I thought eh! :rolleyes:

Cheers!!! :cool:

4th June 2006, 04:47 PM
Hey Shane there already is one!!

WOODCARVERS FORUM (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/forumdisplay.php?f=5)

Would be great to see some more contributions there too.
:D :D - that's bloody funny!