View Full Version : Wooden (classic) runabout designers in Oz

5th June 2006, 05:17 PM
Hi all,

In my ongoing search for a boat to build (which is always a long process, and I'm in no rush as won't have the time / workshop space to do so until Spring at the earliest), I am interested in any local runabout designs.

I'm sure a few will shoot me down in flames for wanting something with a motor in it :eek: but my idea of a day out on the water is cruising around with drink in hand (something soft if I'm driving ;) ), cheese and pate spread out on the table. Not heeling along at some uncomfortable degree having to worry about the wind veering or something. And with a son approaching teenage years who likes things fast (not fast women yet, luckily :D ) he's much more interested in helping build a speedboat than a sailing skiff. I'd like his involvement so will save the trailer sailer for another time.

But, to the point...I have in mind a program over the years of a few boats I will build, increasing in complexity and size. For now, I am after a small wooden runabout or launch to get me started.

There are lots of UK and US sites with plans like Glen-L with the classic 'mahogany runabout' and 'motor launch' type of thing. Quite happy with these, but in support of all things Aussie, can anyone direct me to sites or designers out here offering similar designs? We do some great sailers, there must be some good launches out there too.

I have looked at the Duck Flat range of designer's offerings and have seen a couple I like. But before forking out for the plans and putting saw to plywood, any recommendations, links, etc to other local types (eg perhaps a motorized equivalent of a 'couta boat or something).

Yes, I can search the web but everyone out there will know other designers/links so any suggestions would be well received.

Thanks in advance,


5th June 2006, 05:40 PM
David Payne is just about "it" for the style you are talking about I reckon.

He's got a range from the classic Snapper (schnapper?) boat to a more contemporary (60's ) speed boat design.




5th June 2006, 06:09 PM
David Payne's little clinker ski boat is a beauty. She was the 'project' the other group were working on when I was at TAFE doing his 6m Motor Cruiser. I didn't work on the ski boat but there didn't seem to be any more confused looks than when we were building the Yellowtails.

Incidentally, the Yellowtail (see my avatar and associated threads) can be built as a motor boat - either with an inboard or just build the sail boat and hang an outboard off the back. I've got a 5hp Long Shaft Yammie for mine which is the max size suggested and she should be very nice with that.

But yeah, David's got a lot. His designs and plans are very good.


5th June 2006, 11:13 PM

Thanks guys. Payne is about the only one I had come across, so looks like I'm on the right track.

I do like his launches and am tempted to build one of them - the motor launch is my favourite style. His ski and other motorboats are good too...and his sailboats ain't too bad!

Thanks and i'll let the forum know what I choose.


6th June 2006, 12:36 PM
David is about the only one who has focussed on these boats in Australia in recent years.

The big glossy, fast runabouts (like the American Hackers and Chriscrafts) had their imitators here - but they really were a boat to a formula (a rather beautiful formula, certainly) but any Australian ones were so similar that perhaps they could be considered copies (as far as I know - which is not far in this case).

Anyway - with rising fuel costs something that does 5 or 6 knots might be making a lot more sense these days.


18th August 2006, 03:26 PM
Hello ModelShipwright,
I am normally not in the business of sending people to sites that compete with my product, however I understant you desire to root for the home team. So with that in mind, there is a site


Which I believe is Aussie. I don't know anything about them but from the site I would say that it is what you are looking for.


When you think of me think kindlly,



18th August 2006, 03:40 PM
Hi Jackbat,

Thanks for the reply, and link. I know John (Classic Wooden Boat Plans) and a couple of his are on my shortlist of what I'll build.

Although, I do like the look of 'Flapper' on your website...may have to investigate that further! Looks like a shorter version of his Palm Beach 22' he did with Nelson Zimmer?

What's the price for these plans (and to get them to Melbourne, Aust) in AUD?

Some nice designs on your site!! A bit partial to an Adriondack guide boat too...


29th August 2006, 08:25 AM
Hello Daren,
Sorry for the dalay but this board doesn't seem to nitify.

Thanks for the compliment. We ship to Austrailia just about every week and the shipping is reasonable. I don't want to turn this into a sales pitch on the board so I would direct you to the web site for the rest of the info or you can email me at
[email protected]
and we can talk.
The adirondack guide boat is a joy to build and paddle. I would recomend that to anyone. There is something about taking that boat for a paddle that just relaxes the soul.
