View Full Version : a unique tray table

8th June 2006, 02:24 PM
i'd welcome some comments on this little table i recently built. it was designed to mimic a neat function of an inexpensive fold up product, with feet that tuck in under a couch or big chair.

but here the accent was on style and curves, to add some eye appeal to a very functional idea. i dont recall ever seeing anything exactly like it, but i guess all ideas have a genesis somewhere..maybe ive forgotten something i saw years ago.

im quite proud of it--take a quick look at the photo and a few further pics on my site.

has anyone seen anything like this before?


classic arms
8th June 2006, 03:52 PM
Neat design, well done.
Reminded me of my old school desk

Enjoyed your webpage

Thanks Ken
www.classic-arms.com (http://www.classic-arms.com)

8th June 2006, 04:16 PM
Reminded me of my old school desk

That is what I thought too... :D

8th June 2006, 05:03 PM
Interesting adaptation, but does the knee in the legs make it less functional than the "as seen on TV" version? I'm thinking the knees would bump into the seat part of what you were trying to tuck it under.

8th June 2006, 06:30 PM
Yep, I've seen it before, on Star Wars!!!! :D but it was shooting at the poor Ewoks then.;) (oh, oops, sorry, that just those two pieces of wood in the garden behind your table that warped my view:o )

Now, more seriously, I think it's a great design, I can so imagine it being placed beside a sofa or recliner, as a little side table in the kitchen or even as a telephone table as it looks like a good height for leaning on to write notes.

Maybe I should build something like that for HWMBO so he'd stop spilling his dinner on the floor everynight as he watches tv and not his fork :rolleyes: Or maybe I should get better at cooking so he wants to watch his fork and eat every crumb..:confused:

Geez !!!! talk about hijacking myself 3 times, what is wrong with me - oh, that's right back at work again:( where was I? why do I feel like Wild Dingo at this point in time????

Nice Website and wood projects Mr GristleBurger!!!

(can I go home now, my brain feels diluted....http://www.ubeaut.biz/stuck.gif)

8th June 2006, 06:52 PM
Put me down with the school desk reminder, although they were never that fancy.

I do like the design of your table though, but a lighter colour legs would be nicer in my opinion anyway.

8th June 2006, 06:59 PM
It's very nice. I hope that's a good red on it.

8th June 2006, 08:37 PM
great jobhttp://www.ubeaut.biz/approval.gif, i like the design....

ps. it seems some people remember drinking wine at school:eek: ;):p

8th June 2006, 08:56 PM
Yep, I've seen it before, on Star Wars!!!! :D but it was shooting at the poor Ewoks then.;) Funny! Thats what I was thinking. :)

It's a whimsical piece, very nice.

9th June 2006, 03:41 AM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER- 1px inset; BORDER- 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by classic arms
Reminded me of my old school desk


That is what I thought too... :D
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Seems there are a lot of olde school guys out there. Yep Me too, first thought was school desk .. Probably the black legs. Neat design, I like it. Storred in my memory log book of things to get around to, design. I might copy that idea some day.

Thanks for the posting and reminder of the "Good Old School days".... :)

9th June 2006, 09:20 AM
ps. it seems some people remember drinking wine at school
They dont do that anymore?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

9th June 2006, 06:10 PM
Interesting adaptation, but does the knee in the legs make it less functional than the "as seen on TV" version? I'm thinking the knees would bump into the seat part of what you were trying to tuck it under.
the bend in the leg does limit the depth in which the table can be pulled into your lap. i based the design for use with two particular sofas i had. with the lower hard front of the sofa in contact with the inside leg, i was able to sit the table about 6 or 7 inches past the plane of the sofa front. its not as truly functional as the twentybuck-TV-tube- tray. but this was obviously more of an exercise in "function following form".

the partial depth of this lap tray works well for many things. but i wouldn't eat soup off it.

9th June 2006, 06:52 PM
Reminded me of my old school desk

Enjoyed your webpage

Thanks Ken
www.classic-arms.com (http://www.classic-arms.com)

i found it amusing that it reminded everyone of an old school desk.

i know theres no dusty desk memories of anything like that in my head. my desk memories are of formica clunkers with tan metal frames and elmers glue spilled inside the open drawer.

if i thought i could have crafted something strong enough, i would have made the legs out of some kind of solid wood. but old reliable plywood
allowed me to thin the legs as best i could and still have a great deal of strength. so left with embarrassing edges, and lots of fill, the song of the day became "Paint It Black." and thats the only reason why the legs are black.

thanks for all the positive comments, everyone. :) may the floss be with you too, rufflyrustic.

what an odd bunch , these woodworkers. you make me feel very welcome here. i'm a tad too poor to be eccentric, too. :rolleyes:

9th June 2006, 09:01 PM
what an odd bunch , these woodworkers. you make me feel very welcome here. i'm a tad too poor to be eccentric, too. :rolleyes:

Ah Gristleburger, you are going to fit in well here, I can tell :) Don't have to be poor to be eccentric, besides you work with wood, have posted here, and have not run away screaming from my post.:D I think you've passed the basic 'eccentric' test (not that there is one of course);)
