View Full Version : Rotex Orbital dust generators

27th June 2006, 05:46 AM
Hi all,

Is anybody else having trouble with the Rotex 150? The power cable on mine keeps unplugging itself while I'm sanding.
Also and more serious, its almost impossible to keep the dust extraction hose attached to the sander (yes the hose is the right diameter and takes some doing to attach). I think I'm going to have to use a worm clamp. The dust generated coats everything in sight and probably does a great job on my lungs also. If this is a design fault, shouldn't these sanders have been taken off the shelf?


27th June 2006, 10:39 AM

Is it the old model or the new FEQ?

27th June 2006, 04:03 PM

It's the new FEQ and is about 2 months old.


27th June 2006, 05:45 PM

Never had any trouble with the old one.


27th June 2006, 08:00 PM
I have had no issues reported or had any troubles myself.

27th June 2006, 08:06 PM
I guess I should ask the obvious question regarding the power cable. After inserting the plug into the tool socket, you are twisting it clockwise to lock it aren't you?

27th June 2006, 08:33 PM

Just what I was going to say.

27th June 2006, 08:34 PM

Are you using a festool vacuum?

27th June 2006, 09:08 PM
I too have had the new 150 rotex for about 2 or three months, the power disconnecting sounds like the connection is faulty. The hose on mine unthreads from the nozzle.

Have you had the whole pad just fly off on you yet?

27th June 2006, 09:54 PM
wormdrive - are you using the Festool hose and connector I assume. This should not happen, the standard hoses that ship with the Festool dust extractors are designed to rotate, yet not separate (nozzle unscrew from the hose).

Come on, tell us about the pad flying off the machine at you - I can tell you want to.

28th June 2006, 07:22 AM
Hi all,

First, I don't have the old one.

The power cord is pushed in and rotated clockwise, but has never felt secure.
The extractor on the sander is connected by appropriate flexible vaccuum hose ( it must be pushed with some effort to fully drive home) to a Karcher extractor system. If you think the power connection is faulty (this would make it one out of three Festool products that work as stated straight out the box), I'm not sure I could go through the "ducks and drakes" game I played with Festo after their router killed my router bit and despite being "fixed" still does not plunge correctly.
I am also not prepared to start purchasing "everything Festool" to ensure that a piece of equipment which should be stand alone will work. I'm also keen to hear about the sanding disc. All this being said, its a great sander to use. heaps of torque, excellent results.

Regards and thanks for the help,


28th June 2006, 10:59 AM

Well if you are turning the plug-it connector clockwise it should be very secure. A brand new Rotex plug-it will actually be quite stiff at first. I have never had one pop out of a Festool unless I was a bit sloppy in my clockwise turn. If yours is popping out, it sound like a faulty connection there in either the tool or the cable. Have you tried a different plug-it cable on the same Rotex?

As for dust extraction, I always use a Festool connector on a Festool hose, so can't really comment on what you have there. I do know that the two Festool components (tool and hose) are quite robust and very unlikely to pull apart or unscrew from one another. Anyone else have any suggestions for a good mating of a Festool with a non-Festool dust extractor connector?

28th June 2006, 01:39 PM
Hi Anthony,

Thanks for the insight on the cable.

The dust extraction system I use is simply a piece of flexible plastic vaccuum hose of appropriate diameter (here it's about 25mm I think) which is securely threaded or pushed onto the corrugated nozzle on the sander. I run other sanders, routers and saws using this system without problem. If the Rotex must have this attachment, then it should be made plain before purchase that you will become a dust bunny unless you buy it. It's bad enough that you have to pay extra for the side arm.

By the way, You could be feeling a bit like Filbert, Heiffer or Ed Bighead! Now there's a thought.



28th June 2006, 01:56 PM
Yes I am using the festool hose and connector but despite fiddling with it, the problem persists, though not often enough to get to stressed out about it.

As for the pad launching, it happens when I'm sanding curves with a bit of pressure, not to much mind!

28th June 2006, 09:54 PM
Oh boy, from reading all this, I'm just glad I have the old one. And I love it. It is 10 years old and still going strong! :D

28th June 2006, 10:36 PM


28th June 2006, 11:00 PM
Someone who finally realises who Rocko is :p

One thing I know for sure, I don't feel like a Mrs Bighead.

29th June 2006, 02:47 AM

Joe Murray is a bloody legend in our Valley!

( Never mentioned it before as I thought you wanted to remain incognito and not associated with Ideal Tools and Festool and......):D :D

Pat and Simou (aka Heffer)

29th June 2006, 03:06 AM

Before you ask, Simou wanted to be Heffer as "Spunky" does not go down well in the Rottweilers Club of LLanfihangle. However, Heffer is much appreciated in this sheep and cattle rich Land of Song or was that Effing. Must get me ears dewaxed.

Pat and ...Heffer

30th June 2006, 09:33 AM
I have had the new rotex 150 for several months now and am glad that someone advised me to get it over the normal orbital sander. I have not had any of the issues that Flowboy mentions. The plug appears to be faulty, however, with regard to the dust extraction I cannot see why you think that a piece of the flexible vacuum hose should seal and remain fasten to the ribbed oval port on the sander. The festool vacuum hoses have a semi-flexible rubber adapter and this is often a challenge to take off, maybe you should consider putting something similar on the end of your hose. I think that fact you become a dust bunny without a dust extractor connected to the rotex is evidence of its sanding efficiency!

If the Rotex must have this attachment, then it should be made plain before purchase that you will become a dust bunny unless you buy it.

It isn't a must but I am not sure how anyone could not expect a sander to produce dust? Should people who buy a drink have to be told that they will need to relieve themselves later in the day??

30th June 2006, 12:56 PM

Pleased to hear you have had no problems. Please understand, I am quite a competent person.

So let me make myself clear. I said in the quote you highlighted that if the 150 must have this attachment, it should be mentioned before selling it.
You seem to feel this should be intuitive and any fool could see that. Since I have 5 instruments running off a Karcher vaccuum system all using the same push/thead on system for the hose, I feel I was justified in expecting the same from the sander.

The vaccuum tubing I use is corrugated and fits extremely tightly to the sander. When it works it works well. I think I also said that there was abundant torque (i.e. stock removal) and it gives an excellent finish. However, I object to systems whereby you purchase the base unit, but can't use it properly without extra parts.
Side arm
Extra sanding discs.
Dust collection adapter.

Do you also have a Festool Vaccuum system?
Were you advised about the adapter before buying?

A Metabo unit, performing the same functions and given praise by people I trust is under $400. The Rotex is around $850 before you buy the extras.

Now, I'll just go and relieve myself.

30th June 2006, 01:46 PM
My understanding is that Festool will be providing the side arms free of charge to those who bought machines that did not have the arm included and will include in the packs in the near future.

30th June 2006, 02:30 PM

Sorry I didn't mean any harm with my comments and wasn't in any way questioning your competency. Apologies if this is how my comments came across.

Yes I do have a festool dust extractor. But I disagree with you on the point that the you should have been informed about the need to buy an adapter, I find this slightly unreasonable and think the onus is really on the person buying the tool to question compatibility and in the case of expensive tools like festool ask for a test/tryout (I believe that some festool dealers will let you do this). Also by leaving out attachments costs can be reduced slightly, especially with adapters as the can be oodles of different size possibilities.

On the other hand I agree with your side arm complaint that it is an item they should have included and I hope mat is correct in saying they will be supplied free of charge.

I hope you see my point. BTW I am interested to know what your complaint with regards to the router was.

30th June 2006, 05:58 PM

You are entitled to your opinion, though for reasons I won' expand on I strongly disagree.
I also strongly advise reading your emails before sending. Insulting people you don't know is a dangerous business.
I see no reason to discuss the Router issue with you.

30th June 2006, 08:16 PM

You are entitled to your opinion, though for reasons I won' expand on I strongly disagree.
I also strongly advise reading your emails before sending. Insulting people you don't know is a dangerous business.
I see no reason to discuss the Router issue with you.

Take that heart off your shoulder!

30th June 2006, 10:51 PM
Hello all.
Thanks for the input.
It appears that the older style 150 has no problems and is a reliable unit.
It aslo appears that the new model, regardless of the use of the the Festool hose device or not can give occasional problems. I have ascertained from a dealer that they, too, have seen this.
On reflection of my own situation, both the power cord and vaccuum hose disconnect when I am removing large quantities of stock. i.e. 80 grit at high speed. therefore I can only assume this is due to vibration. This, to me, is a design fault, which can be overcome by sanding at slower speeds.
It's pleasing to hear that the side handle will be available...soon. Since I have already purchased one, I wonder if they'll reimburse me? Hmmm.

One more thing, its good to see Rocko's Modern Life is alive and well. I sometimes feel like the Chameleon Brothers, but the medication helps.

Regards and Thanx,
