View Full Version : Replacing Mandrel Parts?

Sir Stinkalot
27th June 2006, 11:00 PM
Well I have finally reached the stage where there is a need to replace my pen mandrel. The bushes are fine, the 2mt taper is fine and I still have the locking nuts. As far as I can see the mandel itself is slightly bent.

Is it possible to get a replacement of just the mandel itself without the need for the replacement taper, bushes, nuts etc.

$21 for a small steel rod just seems over the top when everything else is perfectly servicable.

28th June 2006, 02:36 AM
When I tried to straighten on out, the advice given me was to buy a new rod and make a miniature skew out of the old one. So I'm pretty sure they are available. Although, I'm not sure how easy it is to get stuff in Australia.

Jim Carroll
28th June 2006, 09:34 AM
Sorry Sir Stinkalot but there is no commercial replacement for the rod only.

If you want to go to the bother and take it to an engineering firm for them to make one for you as it is only a rod with threads both ends.

Gil Jones
1st July 2006, 06:29 AM
I do not know what it would cost to ship the parts to OZ, but try this site (they carry Ubeaut products, I just bought a can of EEE Ultra Shine from them).

Sir Stinkalot
1st July 2006, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the replies.

I have found a supplier in the states that sells the replacement rods for US$2.99. As with most items by the time that you stuff around with postage and the time it just isn't worth the wait.

Oh well .... I might have one last go at straightening it out.


