View Full Version : Bored with bowls?

30th June 2006, 06:49 PM
Maybe like me you've done more than you have space to display or friends to give to or buyers to give you shekels for.

And you're feeling a bit stale inspiration-wise.

I just came across a book called 500 Wood Bowls and I'm not feeling stale any more, just passe. And gobsmacked.

Turned, sculpted or textured, and heaven knows what else. Jaw on the ground stuff.

Available from http://www.cws.au.com/
for $40. A bargain.

(btw, I have no connection, financial, filial or locational with Carroll's Woodcraft.

And can also recommend Raffan's Turned Bowl Design).

30th June 2006, 07:04 PM
you should be able to get it a public library saw it a while ago there is some really amazing stuff in it.might be time to get inspired again

30th June 2006, 08:09 PM
That is a very cool book indeed. I have had it for some two years now and everytime I open it I find something I have not noticed before.

Funnily....this book is full of superdemanding pieces technically. The pieces I still like most are just "plain" bowls....no lamination (or maybe just the rim/foot, no carving, no frills...
Bert Marsh is a genius! All to often I start to admire some bowl for it's simplistic beauty and soon notice that it's AGAIN by Mr. Marsh.

A must for a bowl turner if you ask me.


Skew ChiDAMN!!
30th June 2006, 09:25 PM
I just came across a book called 500 Wood Bowls and I'm not feeling stale any more, just passe. And gobsmacked.

Turned, sculpted or textured, and heaven knows what else. Jaw on the ground stuff.

Great book, ain't it? For years I laboured under the belief that everything turned was either spindles, bowls or some variation of the two. Then I bought it along with Springett's "Woodturning Wizardry."

Every now'n'then when inspiration fails I flick through 'em. Not so much as a source of ideas, but to free my imagination. Now, if only my skills were up to par... :o

Auzzie turner
1st July 2006, 12:26 AM
Will definately look for the book in the library next time

1st July 2006, 01:21 AM
And you're feeling a bit stale inspiration-wise.

I just came across a book called 500 Wood Bowls and I'm not feeling stale any more, just passe. And gobsmacked.

Turned, sculpted or textured, and heaven knows what else. Jaw on the ground stuff.

I came across this book a bout 18 months ago and highly recommend it for bowl turners.


1st July 2006, 09:08 PM
Then there's the ascetic direction ...

a beautifully figured bit of wood matched by an incomparable form. Like Marsh yes, or Raffan. A lifetime of Zen learning to do less with more.