View Full Version : purple heart?

Jude A
3rd July 2006, 04:55 AM
Hey I just finished turning a pen using purple heart:D , one on the top sorry for the blurry imiage:eek: , the bottom is my first turning. My problem is the one on the bottom is realy purple but the top is a lot darker more like indian rosewood . both blanks started the same color. on the bottom one I used a regular wood laqure, 1 cote. The other one on top I used shellawax cream. Can sombody tell me why this happened?
Thanks Jude

3rd July 2006, 09:39 AM
MMMM PurpleHeart!!

Lovely wood. I made a photoframe out of PurpleHeart recently and found that the longer it was in the light, the darker it got.

I'm guessing, but did you turn both the pens and then put the finish on them at the same time? If so, that would explain the difference in colour between them.


3rd July 2006, 04:29 PM
Hi Jude,
I have found in the past that if you get a build up of the wood dust on your sand paper this can alter the colour of purple heart because of the heat created by the paper . Another method to bring out the colour is to put the pieces in the sun for a while before you polish them. Hope this is of some help.


3rd July 2006, 05:28 PM
but not for too long - in the sun - that's what I did and then it went really dark when I put UB-shellac on it.


Auzzie turner
4th July 2006, 05:49 PM
can't see a thing

12th July 2006, 01:46 AM
Purpleheart freshly ripped off the saw is hardly purple at all.

An hour or so later, it is the most beautiful colour you ever saw in a wood.

Untreated, and left out in the sun, it will go a dirty brown colour.

Such is life...........

12th July 2006, 02:18 AM
TRY sealing it (dont forget the ends) .Do it several times ,and yes the more you burnish it the darker it gets.