View Full Version : Trans-tint finishing question?

9th July 2006, 11:01 AM
I have been using trans-tint dyes (hvlp applied) for staining my birch plywood/poplar projects. This saves me from dealing with splotching stains. I follow with 2 coats (hvlp applied) Quick-15 Gloss sealer/finish. Then lightly sand and apply 2-3 more finish coats Quick-15 (Gloss or semi-gloss).

I want to try a stronger finish because the Quick-15 scratches easily. (This is office furniture that gets light use.) Could I follow the Trans-tint with Zinsser wax-free sanding sealer, and then top-coat with polyurethane like Rockler Wundercoat?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

9th July 2006, 05:24 PM
I don't think anyone here in Australia would be up on the products you are asking about.

One sure way to find out is to give it a try on a piece of scrap timber. I would think it would be OK. If its not you will find out pretty quick. If it doesn't react and dries as it should and then end up hard as you want it then your set.

Usually stains are designed to go under most top finishes, if you stick with products which have the same solvent to thin them you can't go wrong.

You may like to try this, could skip the sealer if you don't know if it is compatable with the poly put a thin coat of poly down first and then lightly sand it before you finishing coats.