View Full Version : Router Purchase

5th July 2000, 03:39 PM
can anyone help please?

I am in the market for a router, probably around 2-3HP. My query relates to variable speed control and if it is worthwhile paying the extra money for it. For example the hitachi 3612 vs hitachi 3612C.

any feedback/comments and peoples experiences would be most helpfull with my decision making.


Rod Smith
5th July 2000, 06:01 PM
Hi C
The way I understand it the only reason to have VS is to slow down the pariferal speed on larger bits. From memory all OK up to 1" then gradually the speed needs to be reduced as the diam goes up. I have a 3612c which is a magnificent router, I also have the makita equivalent. Both very quiet and smooth, but the Hitachi is better IMO. I also have a TR12, used these for years, they are virtually unkillable. The big let down on the makita's is the depth control system, its crap. I'd say if you have or may have large bits, or would like a quieter router get the VS, otherwise buy another tool with the change. By the way I got my 2 VS routers out of the paper for less than half price, the makita had one heavy days use, the hitachi, unused. Gotta be lucky sometimes. Good luck. Rod


6th July 2000, 02:06 PM
One small mistake in my last post, should have been the Makita 3612 & 3612C and not Hitachi, getting manufacturers and models confused after looking at so many. Thanks for the info Rod

Rod Smith
6th July 2000, 07:59 PM
You got me confused as well. The one I meant when I said magnificent was the MV12 hitachi.

John Saxton
6th July 2000, 08:24 PM
G'day,Definately a good plug by Rod for the Hitachi MV12 which has the necessary grunt to cater for your needs and compares most favourably in reveiws I have seen.Which was the prompt for my purchase of the above along with a really great price tag. I've had mine some 7/8 yrs now and would not consider changeing it for any other.I also have a VS Bosch 1300 which in no way comes close to the Hitachi but serves as an ideal second router with variable speed and at half the cost of the Hitachi.
I believe that most variable speed routers offer the soft start facility to reduce the current draw until the router is up to speed and though I'M not quite sure how this takes place it probably reduces the long term weart and tear on bearings etc.
Good luck with your choice.
Cheers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/biggrin.gif


6th July 2000, 10:53 PM

I have 6 TR12 Hitachis that have done heaps(and not gentle either)and never let me down.

My .02c

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

Tom O Donnell
13th July 2000, 11:56 PM

The purchase of a router is very important and there are a number of items to consider. Is it going to be used under the bench if so then it should have a good means of adjusting the height.

If it is to be used in the Plunge mode then it should be easy to return the cutter into the body of the router should you run into any problems.

What to look for in a router (my opinion)

1/2" chuck
Circular base to give Maximum support and the base can be used as a template guide.
Plunge router is better than a fixed router
It should have the ability to take a 40mm template guide.

Should you select a router for either of the two reasons then the Makta 3612 or if you require the variable speed then the 3612C is the router for you.

If you leave the router in the router table you will be missing out on 80% of the routers potential.
