View Full Version : Hi-this is Dev Tej Kohli

13th July 2006, 08:58 PM
I am new to this forum.

Thnx for accepting my registration .

Auzzie turner
13th July 2006, 09:01 PM
Welcome to this wonderful/helpful/interesting/funny/and important forum.


13th July 2006, 09:56 PM
welcome to the forumn. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we do. It will help if you have a thick skin. If not, with some patience you will actually grow one. If you meet an Aussie in the UK, befriend that person. It will help you understand most of the guys and girls on this forumn.:D

13th July 2006, 10:01 PM
That's a funny name you have, mate.

Seems Sub Continetal, but then maybe a touch of the Orient?

Welcome, but please satisfy my curiousity.

Sorry if this is non PC, but we're pretty gross in Oz and I'm grosser than most.

13th July 2006, 10:01 PM
Hi dev_tej_kohli,
Where in the UK are you and what do you prefer to be called?

13th July 2006, 10:36 PM
Welcome Dev :)


13th July 2006, 10:46 PM
welcome to the forum..

Kev Y.
14th July 2006, 08:59 AM
I am new to this forum.

Thnx for accepting my registration .

Welcome Dev, the next part of the registration process involves you shouting drinks for all the members who have posted in this thread, ss_11000 is only alowed to have softdrink..:p

14th July 2006, 10:41 AM
Welcome Dev, the next part of the registration process involves you shouting drinks for all the members who have posted in this thread, ss_11000 is only alowed to have softdrink..:p

Hear Hear

And you can make mine a double



14th July 2006, 12:42 PM
Hi Dev

Welcome, and I trust you familiarised yourself with the forum before joining? You have now opened youself up to be part of an Australian sport - "taking the mickey out of the other bloke' (or other such colourful expressions). :) It goes along with other national activities such a BBQ's, AFL, State of Origin, the Melbourne Cup etc etc.

Don't be too alarmed, as it is usually quite harmless fun with no ill intent intended, and the more you give and take the more you'll be an aussie 'mate'. That said, I'm sure you'll enjoy the forum and gain (and give) great enjoyment and information from the mottly crew of characters you'll find here. :)

Wild Dingo
15th July 2006, 06:41 PM
One post and hes got more greenies than a brothel on race weekend??? WHat gives?? :eek:

Dev... ol son... or is it tej?... maybe kohli? heck none of us know!! he may well be a she and come from some place where they use their last name as their first name and that sorta thing!! Anyway!!

Gidday mate grab a pew have a tinnie and give us your story...

hey? that wasnt too harsh a welcome was it fellas? I mean Im not havin much luck welcomin people here seems I tend to swat them instead of panderin to them... did I do good? you feel the love Dev? tej? kohli? do you??

I mean...


group huggies fellas!!! :D yeth yeth even you Bruthie!!! just watch the new bloke!! gotta break em in easy eh!! :D:D:D

ooh gawd this pain medication is FRIGGIN AWEFLAMINSOME!!! :vool:... ooops "cook"... DAMN!! :cool: whew:o

15th July 2006, 07:52 PM
He wont be back you know, you fellas have probably scared him off already. :D

Wild Dingo
17th July 2006, 05:51 PM
Nah he felt...


He/She will be back... he/she has just gone out to the shed to make something to show off all we gotta do is wait patiently and he/she will return... no worries :cool:

Did I... I mean ME??... I mean DID I say that word??? That P word???

Strewth :rolleyes: I just gotta get on me feets again and get makin some sawdust!!! ;) Im gettin too friggin nice!! :mad: