View Full Version : Hobart

15th July 2006, 01:19 AM
Hi All

Are there any secret cladenstine groups of woodies that meet in Hobart?? I haven't really heard of any but I am sure there has to be something somewhere..

I just googled for an answer and saw we have a Wood Craft Guild which I will check out but does anyone out there know of other groups?


15th July 2006, 08:29 AM
Woodcraft Guild Tasmania (http://www.tco.asn.au/oac/community_groups.cgi?groupID=594&oacID=60)is the only group for woodies of which I am aware (also a member).

Designer Makers Co-op are a group of professionals who have a workshop in North Hobart which is available for use by their members.


Kev M

15th July 2006, 10:02 AM

If you go to Davey Street, there will be a loose brick on the wall adjacent to the white 'X'. Move the brick in 3.2cm. You will hear a click.

Walk 32 paces left, remove the stormwater drain and climb in. There will be a Tasmanian Tiger inside the alcove on the right, hop on and he will take you through the dark. Finally there is cavern just after the curve in the tunnel. You will see a lever, pull the lever and a slide will open, take the slide and you are there.

Oh, and the password is ------------

16th July 2006, 08:27 PM
KevM thanks for the heads up might have to check out the Designer Makers Co-op not a professional at this stage but am looking at making the change..

I meant people who enjoy working with wood. I followed your directions after finding a platypus living in Hobart rivulet who kindly told me the password when I helped it out of that flood catchment in Cascade Park. What I was after however was a group of people who enjoy making things out of wood not a group of people made out of wood similar to Ents* (but significantly smaller) they took a rather concerning exeption when I told them I was there because of my interest in making things out of what they assure me are their kith and kin though somewhat distantly related... I only escaped being turned into a nice cloak, xylaphone and cup because their attention was distracted by the laboured, agonised and rasping breath of the poor Tassie Tiger, apparently it wasn't used to carrying 6'4'' blokes around on it's back I hope they saved it it wasn't a bad looking specimen and there aren't that many around to take it's place


*Walking Talking Tree like beings from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (I don't know where he grabbed the mythology from so will attribute them to him)

16th July 2006, 09:55 PM
Hee Hee

17th July 2006, 07:29 AM
Yes, called the Greens. They love wood, as long as its old and rotten.