View Full Version : Getting closer to finishing the silktree HF

Dave Smith
17th July 2006, 10:07 AM
I finally got back to the silktree HF I stared last month. I have been documenting the process on my Alcohol Soaking blog for those that are interested.

Enjoying a beautiful day in Longview, WA/

17th July 2006, 01:00 PM
That sir, is a mighty fine piece of turning and timber. hughie

17th July 2006, 11:31 PM
Hey Dave,
Ditto to Hughie's comments - very nice - a beaut piece of wood.
Any idea what the botanical name of your silk tree is?

Auzzie turner
18th July 2006, 12:01 AM
Beaut piece of timber(that means reaaaal nice) Pic of the inside??

Gil Jones
18th July 2006, 01:13 AM
Looks very good, Dave.
Beautiful wood, where did you find it?

Dave Smith
18th July 2006, 02:29 AM
Silktree, albizia julibrissin, is commonly called mimosa or powderpuff tree in the United States. It is a weed tree in the Southeast, US. The piece came from the largest silktree I have ever seen. The link below has a picture of the tree. The opening is about 3" and I don't think I can get a decent picture of the inside.
Big Sliktree (http://woodnheart.blogspot.com/2005_11_27_woodnheart_archive.html)

I posted the note about documenting the alcohol drying process. Several people wanted to know when I would post pictures of the outside. Perhaps they didn't believe a whole log piece would dry in a useable form.

Dave Smith

Gotta finish a coffee table in Longview, WA.

18th July 2006, 03:28 AM
Thanks for the info Dave. I was wondering if our Mimosa (Silkwood) was the same tree. As a kid, we had them all over the yard and Dad would cut them down regularly and a few he would allow to grow. I have seen some as large as the photo, growing wild along a near by lake shore. Will keep my eye out for a piece as yours sure looks good.

18th July 2006, 01:23 PM
Dave The Mimosa/Silkwood bears a strong resemblance to a type of wattle that use grow round the house whne I was a kid in NZ. We used to chop then down and burn em in the back yard..................sigh


19th July 2006, 12:46 AM
Thanks Dave - we have several albizia species over here. Although they have real nice grain figuring I've yet to come across one as fine as yours. All the more reason to keep on turning.:)

Auzzie turner
19th July 2006, 12:50 AM
Ever tried Cocobolo?

Tassie Boy
19th July 2006, 09:08 PM
That is a very fine bit of wood... and turning of course..
Your drying technique is great i have used it successfully on some pen blanks!!
Thanks, and great job