View Full Version : arcadia 11 pics

20th July 2006, 09:21 PM
well as it turns out the last 18 feet of sheerclamp was r/s on the s/board aft end as well as some bad planks....anyway here are some pics..the clamp is being decided upon as what to do dollarwise.......there is even talk of a carpenter doing the job in the water using threaded bar to hold its shape??? it is currently being repaired by a good shipwright...what do you all reckon as to what should be done and by whom?....no offense to carpenters of course...

21st July 2006, 12:14 PM
Dere's holes in dat dere boat. Not a good idea, it lets in that mucky wet stuff. Can we have some bigger piccies please? Those are about the same size as the attachment thumbnails and you can't really see much.

I'd go with the shipwright, but if he's happy to contract the work to a carpenter, why argue with him ... or am I misunderstanding the story.


21st July 2006, 12:21 PM
Yairs, bigger pics would help.

It might get a bit tricky keeping the thing fair while it's afloat though...:confused:

And you'll learn some neat new words the first time the carpenter drops his hammer.


21st July 2006, 01:01 PM
And you'll learn some neat new words the first time the carpenter drops his hammer.

This could be fun. Your average carpenter is used to working over a solid surface and, while a good carpenter isn't going to be dropping things too often anyway, but I'd love to see his face the first time he hears that 'sploosh' and the whatsit just keeps going down.:D


21st July 2006, 02:32 PM
hope these are better...

21st July 2006, 02:49 PM
As a first suggestion, I'd suggest you ditch the asymetric colour scheme and do the same on both sides :D (sorry, couldn't resist).

Assuming the pictures are of her now, why are you talking about doing some repairs with her on the water? ... or am I more confused than usual:confused:


21st July 2006, 05:37 PM
well ive done it both ways .[ not a reference to my sexuality lol lol ]but i would avoid doin this boat in the water shure you will save on hardstand fees but will cost you in ;
1/nowere to prop [off factory wall ]to hold plank. force spread over length of plank
2/dammage to hull /ribs using threaded rod to pull plank in and you will have 1/2 "holes drilled every 18" in the plank that need to be pluged and depending on yhe size of plank can weaken it.as opposed to none
3/ you need a pontoon that is very stable and a good back cause you are working at knee to waist height. and wood shavings in the water is regarded as polution from the epa
4/ usualy a long walk back to the shed for materals and equipment
5/and lastly why im not working on boats today the weather

6/may i sujest that you leave the old girl were she is and get the carpenter to help the shippy and get her done faster cause faster means cheaper 4 you
7/ if you inted to do more than one plank at a time in the water to aviod those holes wich is fastest and be able to use clamps were the 2nd one is missing you could cause her to rack from wash of another boat and put a twist in her
i like to take datum point measurements whilst in the shed drying out cause the old girls tend to wist a bit and need shaws and props to reduce this wilst remooving so many planks at once you canot do this in the water but depends
on how long
how sound
how strong ext. she is. you be the judge:rolleyes:
hope this helps regards viking
well as it turns out the last 18 feet of sheerclamp was r/s on the s/board aft end as well as some bad planks....anyway here are some pics..the clamp is being decided upon as what to do dollarwise.......there is even talk of a carpenter doing the job in the water using threaded bar to hold its shape??? it is currently being repaired by a good shipwright...what do you all reckon as to what should be done and by whom?....no offense to carpenters of course...

21st July 2006, 09:36 PM
well firstly shes not mine,a consortium of money men bought her along with a town named corrina near the 'tarkine wilderness',the owners are well to do,compared to me at any rate and they also watch their pennies as the townsip is costing a bit as well. secondly the slip is pretty well booked from now on .when the boat had been on slip for 12 hours she began to sag aft....

Old Codger
24th July 2006, 03:38 PM
if the boat is in survey then the work needs to be done by a shipwright or at least supervised by a shipwright. There is a fella there called Rudi who is a terrific shipwright. He might be away but his advice or help would be the best you will get.

28th July 2006, 07:28 PM
old codger go and have a look as shes in your town,ken the local shipwright has it all under control,anyway plans have changed and all is ok now as all work is to be done on the slip........we shall hopefully take her home as soon as weather permits.....

9th November 2006, 01:48 AM
evidently shes slips away

9th November 2006, 01:53 AM
evidently shes slips away

hello hello is there anybody in there
shes away
pieman bar arising
bring it on

9th November 2006, 09:27 AM
Okay, now I'm confused. Does this mean you've finished her? Sunk her? Sold her to a trustworthy mob from out of town?


11th November 2006, 09:22 PM
shes off slip as of last week,off to see a heap of young sea cadets at burnie i believe.....going into wynyard too from what i hear....pretty bum on her but its all i got at the moment.....back soon..

31st March 2007, 08:16 PM
back on the river....at corrinna