View Full Version : Tables

9th July 2002, 03:22 PM
OK so I ended up totally confused after reading all I could on different routing tables altough it was very interesting.So I'll have a go at my own.
Has any body ever tried a right angle table,where obviously the router sits horizontal, to make machining large panels easier.I saw an idea in the Time Life book on routing
Feed back please

Red neck
9th July 2002, 09:13 PM

Check out a text titled “Router Jigs and Techniques” by Patrick Spielman ISBN 0-8069-6694-7. He talks about a ‘Horizontal Joint-Making Attachment’ that works just as you describe but used in conjunction with a router table with sliding mitre gauge. Spielman doesn't describe use of the technique on large panels.

Didn’t try it myself as I was side-tracked by several designs by Pat Warner that achieve the same ends with less fuss. I find tables somewhat cumbersome and time consuming in setting up and prefer to keep the router ‘loose’ for most work.

Red neck

9th July 2002, 09:56 PM
have seen a number of horisontal router mount ideas, they seem reasonable for the purposes that the authors describe but I havn't tried any. I have had good sucess with a very tall fence my self.

Sandy Johnston
10th July 2002, 11:16 AM
does this help?? http://www.woodshopdemos.com/rbi-rs5.htm
There may be something here you can "adapt" or get ideas from.

Sandy across the ditch

10th July 2002, 02:32 PM
Thanks for all your help everyonewill let you know how I get on GOOD or BAD