View Full Version : Clock

Terry B
28th July 2006, 05:46 PM
I found these pics on a local site to me.
These hand made clocks are something I wish I could make but know I never can. Enjoy

Wild Dingo
28th July 2006, 05:59 PM
These hand made clocks are something I wish I could make but know I never can. Enjoy

What utter bullshyte Terry!! I mean have you tried? REALLY tried? so how do you know you cant make one? YOU have to TRY mate!!

Dont defeat yourself BEFORE youve even had a go!! Heck much of what we do do in life we wouldnt have been able to do BEFORE we had a go at it!... So find something like those and sit it in front of it... then you measure cut measure cut etc etc... But Terry mate TRY IT! if it doesnt work the first time learn from it and TRY AGAIN till you can and one day... suddenly... EUREKA!! you will have done it

Saying you KNOW you never can do something puts you on the backstep every time no matter what it is you say you cant you wont because your mind will tell you with CONVICTION that it cant cause you have told it you cant... see??

So instead of saying I know I never can just say "I could if I had a good bloody go at it! but just now I dont have the time patience or money to do it but by god one day watch out!!" then your minds possitive :cool:

oh and thanks for the link!;)

28th July 2006, 06:06 PM
Must agree with Wild Dingo.
Ya gotta try, sooner or later you will build a masterpiece.
But the fun is in journey as much as the result.
Once you can make anything its a helluva lot harder to find a really interesting challenge.

Terry B
28th July 2006, 06:30 PM
Of course you are correct. But there has to be inclination and time and money. Sadly the inclination and money are present but the time is a problem- work is one of those evil necessities. :mad:
One thing at a time. I will get better at turning with practice and may give it a go in the future.
A similar example is over the last 3 years I have been learning the piano. From no knowledge to playing grade 6 piece has been a wonderful learning experience that continues today. Hopefully we can all have aspirations that can be achieved and enjoy the process. (note to self:must not damage fingers on the lathe. Makes for difficult paino playing :) )

29th July 2006, 01:46 AM
Terry - next time there is a wood show in Coffs Harbour, head down for a look. There's a guy there whose name escapes me but he makes those clocks and some incredible intarsia.:):):) The point is, he's not a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon but a dedicated woodie with plenty of time on his hands. As Dingo said - think positive and you could make one - for sure!:D