View Full Version : The best use for a fridge....

31st July 2006, 01:55 PM
My personal favourite is the bottom shelf above the crisper...:D

General rule of thumb, every time I take the timber out to weigh them, I've gotta have a beer (just to keep the thought processes sharp you understand....)

Luckily SWMBO isn't complaining (well, not yet anyway, I hope she doesn't intend to ask for fridge space back!) This Tiger Myrtle's for stuff for her, so I can get away with it.

You should see the visitors faces when they go to the kitchen to get themselves a beer!!!

31st July 2006, 02:33 PM
But you haven't managed to get the fridge located in the workshop yet! Do you keep your firewood in the washing machine?

31st July 2006, 06:00 PM
:) Nice One Timbernut!

I used to keep my (new and unused $10 planer) in the pantry - the looks on people's faces was the best:D


Wild Dingo
31st July 2006, 06:39 PM
Yeah right... I could just see her bloody highness's face if I tried that!!... I mean shes a patient wee thing lettin me cut and shape my canoe moulds in the living room no worries lettin me make half models and scale models at the kitchen table no worries lettin me lay the timber for a rudder mark and cut it in the family room no worries... but put the timber in the fridge?? NOT A RUDDY CHANCE!! gawd strewth Id better have me bed made up in the shed if I tried that one

And if she didnt chuck a wobbly one the flamin kids would!! :o

aahh you lucky buggar Timbernut :cool:

31st July 2006, 07:01 PM
And wood butcher thaught I was kidding when I said a jett mini lathe would fit just fine in the cupboard under the sink.:D

31st July 2006, 07:02 PM
Yeah right... I could just see her bloody highness's face if I tried that!!... I mean shes a patient wee thing lettin me cut and shape my canoe moulds in the living room no worries lettin me make half models and scale models at the kitchen table no worries lettin me lay the timber for a rudder mark and cut it in the family room no worries... but put the timber in the fridge?? NOT A RUDDY CHANCE!! gawd strewth Id better have me bed made up in the shed if I tried that one

And if she didnt chuck a wobbly one the flamin kids would!! :o

aahh you lucky buggar Timbernut :cool:

Message to Mrs Dingo - next time a pressie is required for WD, get him a fridge for the workshop.

PS Father's Day is only a month or so away.....

Wild Dingo
31st July 2006, 07:10 PM
Now actually... speakin of fridges ;) I actually have two out in the seatainer mind one belongs to daughter number 3 but she doesnt need 3 fridges and I do need a bar fridge... the others been in there since the flood of May 18 2005 and Ive no idea if it works still or not but I do need a nice big bar fridge to go alongside the nice small bar fridge in the shed... mmm wonder if anyone will get me a fridge for the timber? :D

31st July 2006, 07:13 PM
i used to keep my live fishing bait in the crisper (wattle grubs and gents) till some clown told swmbo thats gents were really maggots :o

31st July 2006, 08:32 PM
Hey Wild Dingo, I hope you're storing those fridges with the doors open, otherwise phew - hold your nose when you open them. :D

31st July 2006, 09:25 PM
Well I'll go he! Looks like I had better start wood turning so I can get a fridge in the shed. By the way, why do you need to keep your wood in the fridge? I need this info to explain to SWMBO.

Terry B
31st July 2006, 11:12 PM
Now actually... speakin of fridges ;) I actually have two out in the seatainer mind one belongs to daughter number 3 but she doesnt need 3 fridges and I do need a bar fridge... the others been in there since the flood of May 18 2005 and Ive no idea if it works still or not but I do need a nice big bar fridge to go alongside the nice small bar fridge in the shed... mmm wonder if anyone will get me a fridge for the timber? :D

I have a nice beer fridge. When we moved house last year our very good 500l fridge would not fit in the hole in the new kitchen so we had to buy a new fridge to fit. The 500l one is now a drinks fridge in my office. I like having a beer fridge that is as tall as me!!

1st August 2006, 03:40 AM
I have a fridge in my Shop (Shed) where I keeps me Beer and Worms but not wood.... Why are you keeping the wood in the fridge? Slow drying? :confused:

Is this one of those secret recipe things that everyone know about but me? :o

I have a freezer in my Shop as well and have good news as well as bad news. Bad news is that it has gone Toes up and must be replaced. Good news is that the compressor still runs and will be converted to a vacuum pump as soon as the new fellow arrives. Wild Dingo, If one of those storred fridges is Kerput!, save the compressor and make a vacuum pump as well.

There was a site with directions on making such... anybody remember seeing that?

Gil Jones
1st August 2006, 07:20 AM
We bought a new 'fridge for the house, and the old (but still working) 'fridge is now in my shop. It serves as a place to put stuff that does not fit in the new one, plus I am testing freeze-drying chunks of green wood in the freezer [So far, so good; no cracks in four months]. Plenty of room for ale in the shop 'fridge too. :p

1st August 2006, 11:23 AM
hey Guys, Gil's on the money! Greenie for him!

I had these pieces in the freezer for a week (interesting to see them nestled amongst steaks and snags...) to freeze dry, and now in the fridge for 2.

I'm hoping to speed up the drying process. It was either microwave, meths, dishwashing liquid, or freezing. They seemed the best options, so as I'm 'under instruction' not to wreck 'her' Tiger Myrtle I'm hoping this will speed things along, without checking (or fridge privelidges will be revoked by SWMBO ;) ).

That's what the paper is stuck to them for - I'm weighing once or twice a week and recording on the paper. I have some other pieces in the shed that didn't get frozen so I can compare if there is any improvement. They are all waxed on the ends, so I've no idea if this is helping or not.... but it's a conversation starter anyway.

If I have any positive results, I'll post them here.

If there are negatives, better consume beer, and run like hell, cause she'll kill me!!

1st August 2006, 12:13 PM
For what it's worth, I have an old fridge in the shop. I drilled a row of 1/2" holes across the bottom of each side, and a row in the top of each side. I keep my waxed wood inside to slow the drying process. Some of it spalts in there, but so far, no cracking. :o)
Some folks put a 40 watt light bulb in the bottom, and dry roughouts inside theirs.
Just thought I'd throw this out there....

Gil Jones
1st August 2006, 03:20 PM
Al, that is a good idea for an inexpensive kiln with the light bulb providing the heat.

2nd August 2006, 02:16 AM
The idea isn't mine. I think it was Molly W. that uses a chest-type freezer with a light bulb, to dry her roughouts. But I think it's really good for blanks in this hot, dry, oven, of a shop that I have. It slows the dry-out to an acceptable point where there's no cracking. My box is a double door, upright, refrigerator.
I have another box that I'm going to use with the bulbs in bottom. An upright freezer, with a single door, and plenty of shelves, would work best.

2nd August 2006, 03:08 AM
The idea isn't mine. I think it was Molly W. that uses a chest-type freezer with a light bulb, to dry her roughouts. But I think it's really good for blanks in this hot, dry, oven, of a shop that I have. It slows the dry-out to an acceptable point where there's no cracking. My box is a double door, upright, refrigerator.

Some folk put a bowl of water in the control the humidty and stop any fast drying. As 15watt bulb will produce a very dry atmosphere in time.
We use to have then in the bottom of our wardrobes in Singapore to stop the shoes, belts etc getting moldy. it work real fine.

2nd August 2006, 03:45 AM
The welding shop in my last School used to keep their sticks in an old dead fridge with a bulb in the socket, Mind you, you have to get rid of that switch in the door or it goes out . The rods were toasty warm and dry as could be.

5th August 2006, 11:00 PM
I was told you should keep some glues (apoxy and CA) in the fridge to prolong its life (before opening). Not sure if this true or not....

Gil Jones
6th August 2006, 01:34 AM
I keep my un-opened CA glue in the shop 'fridge (in a covered, largemouth, glass jar), but never after it has been opened. I have read that keeping it (un-opened) in the freezer is better.

6th August 2006, 09:29 AM
You said, "Some folk put a bowl of water in the control the humidty and stop any fast drying."

I never thought of that one. That may be the way to go here, due to the heat.:D Even without the light.