View Full Version : Rob Cosman's DVDs

Auld Bassoon
2nd August 2006, 09:42 PM
Hi folks,

I've just received my latest batch of 3 of Rob Cosman's DVDs.

Rob is a gifted craftsman that, I believe, is partly sponsored by Lie Nielsen, and has produced a number of video/DVDs showing a variety of WW techniques, generally making use of LNs tools.

This batch included:

Drawer Making - the professional approach
Hand-Cut Dovetails
Advanced Hand-cut DovetailsThus far I've only had time to look at the first one.

Rob's tutorial style is extremely informative and very detailed; much more so than is the norm in these sorts of videos. As well, his skill levels and precision are something to aspire to.

For anyone interested in mastering "darkside" skills, I recommend these highly.

As usual, no association or connection other than a happy customer.


2nd August 2006, 10:11 PM
I believe Rob Cosman is Lie-Nielsen's Canadian agent.

2nd August 2006, 10:24 PM
Where do you source the videos from?

Auld Bassoon
2nd August 2006, 10:24 PM
I believe Rob Cosman is Lie-Nielsen's Canadian agent.

I believe that's correct.

What is interesting is that throughout the video Rob doesn't once mention LN. It's what he, as an obvious craftsman, does with the tools that promotes the tools. Of course his skill is (way) above average, but looking at what he does with these tools (and to any hand tool afficianado, LNs are pretty obvious), is quite sufficient to the advertising task. No shouting here, just Ssssshhhh! Sssssshhh! - and perfection :)

2nd August 2006, 10:52 PM
The DVD's sound good. I'll have to add them to my wish list.

2nd August 2006, 10:54 PM
Where do you source the videos from?
Lie-Nielsen Australia sell them.


2nd August 2006, 11:12 PM
Sigh, more money...

3rd August 2006, 12:12 AM
I have all Rob's DVDs. They are excellent - not the only way to do things, mind you, but I enjoy the precise work he does.

In my opinion Rob is a very ethical fellow. Nevertheless, while he may not be giving the hardsell on LN tools, there is an unspoken message that runs through his demonstrations ... LN tools ...LN tools. The drawer fitting DVD tipped the balance in my getting the #98/99 set, and I really hankered after a #140 (I have the Stanley version but the LN has a fence) when he used one on his dovetails. No, I resisted that temptation.

Regards from Perth
