View Full Version : Ply Pen!

4th August 2006, 12:47 AM
This is what happens when ya just grab anything and make a pen out of it.

Yup, found a bit of 9 ply and thought ... what the *##@!

Usual EEE + Glow.

It actually turned out pretty cool ... going straight to the top pocket this one :cool:

4th August 2006, 01:30 AM
that nice looking pen

4th August 2006, 08:55 AM
What a great looking effect. Who woulda thunk it out of crappy old ply!

4th August 2006, 10:03 AM
Love it Skew!!! it's surprising how good ply can look and it certainly looks great here!


4th August 2006, 10:55 AM
Nothing wrong with ply - often under-rated - could benefit from a name change eg laminated timber.

Now if you really want to start talking about $*** stuff the we can start with chip/pineboard, MDF .........

Pen looks great!

4th August 2006, 09:10 PM
Beat me to it Bob, I want to see one in chipboard, MDF, masonite, caneite, cardboard... :D


Skew ChiDAMN!!
4th August 2006, 09:37 PM
Ackershully, chipboard, particleboard, caneite and similar "chunky" composites can make damned nice pens! You need to treat 'em like spalted wood and stabilise 'em first, but the end result is... effective. :)

MDF is just plain boring. No surprise there...

4th August 2006, 09:37 PM
Not bad at all. Surprised it didn't start to de-laminate.

Try some Bunnies crapiata next

4th August 2006, 09:57 PM
interesting what you can get out of what most people would chuck away. Nice job mate. :)

Tassie Boy
4th August 2006, 10:42 PM
Looks good.. I never would have tried that... until now:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Good effort.

4th August 2006, 11:40 PM
I never would have tried that... until now:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
We need a soundtrack for posts. "Until now" Bom bom bom bommmmmm.

Dark and mysterious, no? :rolleyes:

5th August 2006, 12:38 AM
Well, I must admit guys .... it may be the most boring bit of wood Ive turned, and yes, the effort before flew off the lathe and did de-laminate. However, a good layer of glue and a friggin sharp skew made a real nice pen that has ended up being my top pocket pen.

I have wondered today though .... out of all the pens you guys have turned ... which one has ended up being ya fave? ie. . the one you use and have hung on to? Maybe some pics???

5th August 2006, 12:40 AM
Not bad at all. Surprised it didn't start to de-laminate.

Try some Bunnies crapiata next

Nuh, second one didnt de-laminate, but then again, those on the lower north shore tend to get overpriced ply and underated quality.:rolleyes:

5th August 2006, 10:48 AM
out of all the pens you guys have turned ... which one has ended up being ya fave? ie. . the one you use and have hung on to? Maybe some pics???
Well I have turned a sum total of 11 pens so far and I think my favorite is yet still to come. Front runners would have to be these three though: made from my own blanks (Silky Oak and Jarrah), getting better at the 1C kit (still need to improve more) and my first basic glue-up.

I need to slice up some different burl I have and give the Mont Blanc kits a spin, there I think I might find my favorite.

5th August 2006, 12:00 PM
They look real nice Toasty. I particualrly like the Silky. . And yes, the Mont Blancs are particularly fancy. They are my most popular to sell. Me, I prefer the slimline, but each to their own.

Hey, why dont ya join in the penswap??

5th August 2006, 12:32 PM
They look real nice Toasty. I particualrly like the Silky. . And yes, the Mont Blancs are particularly fancy. They are my most popular to sell. Me, I prefer the slimline, but each to their own.

Hey, why dont ya join in the penswap??

Yeah I agree. It all in good fun. Don't let the theme get to you. Just have fun

6th August 2006, 09:59 AM
Well done Toasty. I must agree with Skewpid about the silky. It is such an attractive wood no matter what it is used for. If my opinion is worth anything .. I would slip the silky in your top pocket until "your best one" comes along.

Cheers Geoff

7th August 2006, 07:35 PM
I need to slice up some different burl I have and give the Mont Blanc kits a spin, there I think I might find my favorite.


Where did you find the Mont Blanc kits? Do they supply the big, fat cigar shape (all the ones I found had the Marilyn waist) for fountain pens?

I had a really serious search about a year ago and couldn't find anything even remotely close.

7th August 2006, 07:56 PM
Hey, why dont ya join in the penswap??
I might have a look at it next month when my confidence is a little higher :o

Where did you find the Mont Blanc kits? Do they supply the big, fat cigar shape (all the ones I found had the Marilyn waist) for fountain pens?
I bought mine from Carroll's Woodcraft's, check out the kits at this link (http://www.cws.au.com/cgi/index.cgi/shopfront/view_by_category?category_id=1107144894). When you get some READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, you need to do a touch more work than just line the blanks up flush with the bushings. DAMHIK... :rolleyes: They also have the Polaris kits if you are after fat pens.

7th August 2006, 08:07 PM
Toasty, checked the link but the MB's are not the seriously fat type, nor fountains, neither is the Polaris.

Thanks for trying, tho

7th August 2006, 10:10 PM
Toasty, checked the link but the MB's are not the seriously fat type, nor fountains, neither is the Polaris.
Howsabout these from Carbatec?
’JR’ Series Fountain Pen Kit (http://www.carbatec.com.au/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=15000_15091_15093)
Statesman Pen - Fountain Type (http://www.carbatec.com.au/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=15000_15099_15094)

Interesting price too :eek:

7th August 2006, 10:30 PM
Nope, they are all basically cylindrical.

The classic Mont Blanc has narrow ends expanding to a seriously fat middle. Whilst I haven't done any serious research lately, they were not available last time I looked. I found the right shape, but not for fountain pens. Somewhere outback in the US I think.

Once again, thanks, but we may be on a hiding to nothing here.

8th August 2006, 01:19 AM

Where did you find the Mont Blanc kits?

Carroll woodcraft and Gary pye sell these.

Do they supply the big, fat cigar shape (all the ones I found had the Marilyn waist) for fountain pens?

fountain pens are now sold by Carrolls too

I had a really serious search about a year ago and couldn't find anything even remotely close.

hth Toni