View Full Version : info re courses

steve dig
2nd January 2003, 04:51 PM
I work at a non profit organisation as the electrician/handyman. I have built bookcases, benches etc for myself but they want me to run a woodworking course for the residents here (about 40 people ages 18 - 28).
I want to run the course in a "professional" manner so as to teach the resi's the proper way to do things. Does anyone know of woodworking courses on the gold coast or of someone who may be able to spend some time with me to plan out a course.

2nd January 2003, 09:53 PM
Do Queensland have Institutions similar to the TAFE in Victoria.
If so, rock along to your local, ask to see the student counsellor - tell her/him what you want to do, and they will help you. Don't go directly to one of the teachers, or supervisors
The Student Counsellors tend to be more understanding

3rd January 2003, 07:37 AM
There are plenty of institutions in Qeensland
Alas, most of the inmates have escaped and live on the Gold Coast!!!!