View Full Version : Doweller vs Domino

10th August 2006, 09:09 PM
So how do they compare?

Just George
11th August 2006, 08:45 PM
I saw the Domino at the Brsibane show, it was awesome - unlike the price tag. There are plenty of biscuit joiners on the market, GMC even has/had a dual dowel joiner. These all work well and are far cheaper than the newer Domino Joiner, it costs a little over $1000.

Auld Bassoon
12th August 2006, 06:38 PM
As several venerable members have repeatedly stated, a biscuit/plate joiner is good for one job only. The Domino will not only simply and accurately cut the mortices for the dominoes, but it's also a very effective mortice maker in its own right. Do a search here on Domino and you'll find half a lifetime's worth of reading :D

12th August 2006, 06:41 PM
I'm not interested in biscuit jointers,
I am seeking comparisons between a doweller and a domino