View Full Version : Perth Wood Show

11th August 2006, 04:25 PM
Just came back from the show. I can't say I was impressed, as a matter of fact it was terrible. There was some nice furniture and stuff but that was it. Take out the orange shop and the balcatta store and there was nothing there! Waste of $13 and 90 minutes (I went around twice and stopped for coffee - yuck) of my life.

11th August 2006, 05:18 PM
Hi Mike,

They advertised a huge timber sale .... was there much ... any?


11th August 2006, 05:32 PM
I find it hard to believe that you found little at the show. ... you mean to say that you found little of personal interest. What were you looking for, and what did you miss?



11th August 2006, 09:49 PM

11th August 2006, 09:52 PM
Was looking forward to sourcing some bench tools for my new shed. I'm going in the morning and taking my sister. Should I go and buy some shoes instead?

11th August 2006, 10:07 PM
Was looking forward to sourcing some bench tools for my new shed. I'm going in the morning and taking my sister. Should I go and buy some shoes instead?

Shoes, shmoos. Go and enjoy yourself :)

11th August 2006, 10:58 PM
I spent an hour there today. I called in because I was in the area and had a bit of spare time. I'll be going tomorrow to meet the blokes at 12 o'clock.

My impressions:-

The trade displays by the usual suspects are what you would expect. The blokes from Balcatta and Bentley have big displays and some bargains. The displays of finished work are (to my mind) a bit disappointing. There are some good examples of workmanship but not much in the way of interesting designs.

I spent a bit of time watching and listening to Terry Gordon - always worthwhile. He's a great bloke and his planes and spokeshaves are superb. His skill level is so high that he's worth watching, too. I always learn something from Terry. Colen Clenton is another top bloke with stunningly good squares and gauges. (Met Peter Byrne briefly while talking to Terry).

Bought some gear from the Handtools blokes (don't worry, Derek, I left a few for you!).

I'll have a longer look tomorrow and a bit of a yarn with the blokes who turn up at 12 noon.

See you there!


12th August 2006, 01:17 AM
Has anyone seen and had a chat to young Aussie doing his thing on the lathe? Hope so, if not, go say giday from all us here on the forum:D :D

12th August 2006, 03:49 PM
Yes Derek, I found little of personal interest, I should of made that clear.

There was lots of timber, although I didn't think there was much more than last year, and most of the timber did little to inspire me.

I didn't see much in the way of bargains, well nothing that I wanted anyway.

Maybe I'm to cynical? Or boring? Or maybe I just don't need any new tools!!!! And to think I gave up a round of golf for the show.

Anyways, I hope other forumites get something out of the show.

12th August 2006, 06:44 PM
Hi Mike

I have just this minute got back from the Show. I must agree with you that it was not on a par with previous Shows - less of everything. Nevertheless I really enjoyed myself. I had the chance to meet a few new woodworkers and see a few old faces from the forum over lunch. About 10 in all (I think). Col (Driver) was back to buy up the remainder of the old tools (what he overlooked yesterday). And Les surprised us as a new employee of Carba-tec.

I actually did not buy any old tools! There, I said it. Still I did OK.

The very last tool I would have imagined that I would spend money on actually got the bulk of my allowance. I was walking past Terry Gosschalk's WASP Sander stand and had my first look at it. I was very impressed. It looks to have great versatility (especially for sanding and shaping curves), so I bought one. I also bought the Easy Rider, which raises/lowers the drill press. Now THAT I was really impressed with. I hate having to fiddle with the wind up - the handle is always getting caught up in something. And then I noticed that Terry was using a keyless chuck in his. Straight over to the McGing stand and I bought one too. Heavy duty version. Can't believe it - all that on a drill press!

Still, the highlight for me was meeting up with Terry Gordon of HNT Gordon planes. Terry (Gad, it make's life easier if everyone has the same name!) always presents a great demonstration. His planes are really excellent and a pleasure to use (and look at). I have used them for years, and now it is time to write of them, and I am currently writing reviews of the Try Plane (first) to be followed by the Smoother. Of interest was his two new spokeshaves, one flat- and the other round soled. These have a novel design, based on Eastern spokeshaves, but with high angle beds. They are quite different in concept to the Stanley-based spokeshaves and the low angle LV I use. Terry has provided these for review, so I will be doing so in due course (give me chance to get the other two done first).

Now, off to the workshop to play!

Regards from Perth


12th August 2006, 07:14 PM
It was good to catch up with some of this illustrious BB's members over lunch. Thanks for your company, gents!

Unlike Derek, I did buy some old tools.;)

Yesterday's haul included:-

- a couple of mortice chisels (pigsticker style); one is a relatively delicate number with a 3.5 mm wide blade. The other is a big hefty jobby with a 14 mm wide blade.

- a nice old No 81 Stanley 10" sweep brace and a leather tool roll full of bits - including some good-looking lead screw augers (that makes a total of 4 braces I own and a barrel-load of bits (future project - a box for the bits!).

- two Toledo brand paring chisels.

I went back today and snapped up a nice Disston panel saw (another project: new handles for three panel saws!)

I also bought one of Terry Gordon's curved bottom spokeshaves (this will be a test: a whole new skill to learn!) and a pack of riffler files from McJings.

Overall comment: I think the show lacks a bit of spark. For me, a display of really good quality fine woodwork would make a big difference. Innovative design, skilful use of Australian timbers - something to provide a bit of inspiration.


13th August 2006, 01:26 AM
I went to meet the gang at 12 and just missed you. I saw a motley crew near the entrance as I came in , spoke to my sister, turned back and they were all gone. Boy you sure do move fast.

I wasn't sure what to expect, but was not overly impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high. I was really impressed with a young tool maker called Chris Vestor. I have just started experimenting with hand created dovetails (boy am I bad as it!!!), so I lovieed seeing his tools. (In a clean sense!)

I agree that the show would have had a greater impact if there were more pieces from enthusiasts and craftsmen/women. I did love the second-hand tools, the rocking horse hand created by Stephanie and the copse of three small tables.

Thanks to the show, I have a very long list of items to buy for my shed, and projects which I must create.

Sorry I missed the crew.

13th August 2006, 01:51 AM
Here is Chris Vesper's website.


I checked out some of his stuff at the Sydney show and it is very nice.

13th August 2006, 09:31 PM
What a bummer, I too missed everyone. I was running a bit late getting away from Bunbury and walked in the show door at 12.45pm. I didn't expect to find anyone at the door at that time but went & inspected the eaterys without success. You guys sure must eat fast. :D

I walked around for a couple hours proudly displaying my "Driver" inspired badge but couldn't get any recognition from anyone.

Just in spite I didn't buy anything, so there.:rolleyes:

The only thing that really interested me at this time was the 'Easy-riser' for my drill press but on looking at it I think it would be so simple to make one I just couldn't justify the cost.



13th August 2006, 09:38 PM
Thanks for the feedback, I couldn't agree more. I was intending to go on saturday to meet other members, and up until thursday was still planning this way- then the weekend was shot down by kids parties etc, still not a bad swap and as for today:mad: a good walk ruined.

13th August 2006, 10:14 PM
hmmm.....seems like the same old problems with the woodwork shows. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=319498&highlight=woodwork+show#post319498 ...not enough good quality woodwork on display by the enthusiastic public, which is supposed to be the main purpose of the merchandise that is on show.
This needs to be addressed.
They should get their butts in gear and organise a few competitions with generous prizes.
I am almost certain if there was great incentive, many people would enter with the added benefit of drawing more punters for a look see.

13th August 2006, 10:33 PM
boy I hope the Melb people read this....

It's something I look forward to and you would hate to see me unhappy.

I enjoyed Dave Foster last year, it was a added attraction.


13th August 2006, 10:44 PM
So far this year we've had four major woodshows.

It appears that we've also had four dissapointments. :(

If I was an exhibitor paying big money for stalls at these shows, I reckon I'd be asking the organisers some hard questions.

Four down one to go. :rolleyes:

13th August 2006, 10:57 PM
I didn't manage to get to the show until Sunday. It was my first visit to the show. I watched the turning demonstration upstairs and picked up some great tips.

I thought the main purpose of the show was to sell merchandise. I'm just grateful to the sponsors for running it at all. Sponsors will pull out if they don't make money.

I also thought that most people went to the show to find a bargain or see tools demonstrated that they hadn't seen.

I bought a Lumber Wizard from MIK. Lumber Wizards might be available in Perth but I couldn't source one and MIK brought one over for me.

It is nice though, to see good craftsmanship and/ or interesting pieces of timber put to good use.

I looked at the furniture on display and liked the marri table a lot.

I thought the Year 12 jarrah beds were very good work; especially the winner. The work was credit to the students and their teachers.

13th August 2006, 11:20 PM
Sorry I missed all as I ddn't get there til just after one ... as predicted.

I agree with bookend

I must admit it wasn't the size of the last one I went to (in Melb) a couple of years back but then mostly you get more of the same rather than a lot of new ideas. Living on this side of the world I love to see the Chris Vespers, Terry Gordons, Colen Clentons, etc come across the desert. Fantastic Guys.

I also like to be able to see the big guys and all they have to offer, compare prices etc. It's also good if you're in the market for power tools to be able to compare in the one spot ... straight after each other ... to be able to walk up and down between a dozen different bandsaws and random orbit sanders was great for me as when I'm up in Perth I don't have time to do the crawl thru all the well known shops. Then I don't get to see things like the wasp in action and stumbled upon the BoteCote gurus.

I would have liked to see more displays of finished products so there was some good suggestions there ... can we point the organisers to this thread .... has anyone got any contacts there?

I managed to whittle away 3 hours and it would have been longer if I'd managed to catch you guys. Overall I enjoyed the show and came away inspired and with a renewed wish list.

14th August 2006, 02:46 PM
I enjoyed the show.

18th August 2006, 05:14 PM
Regardless of whether the show was good or bad, it was great to meet some of the other members. Thanks guys

18th August 2006, 06:56 PM
I enjoyed the show very much and so did my wife...we had a lovely time together and also we thought the projects upstairs were very good, I certainly got some great ideas for future projects. Thanks to all the forums members who got together for lunch it was good to put some faces to names\avitars. Keep on inspiring each other to have ago at doing new things in wood.:rolleyes: