View Full Version : Word of Warning

31st August 2006, 06:07 PM
I purchased a Festool TDK 15.6 MH last week, and I would have to say, in my 20 years of trade experience, this drill would be very close to the best I've owned.
Just don't buy one direct from Festool via the web !
They take your credit card and personal details on there "safe and secure" encrypted point of purchase, and then send all these details back to you, in an order confirmation, via a unsecured e-mail !
I have to ask myself, how many other people, that have used this site, are now the owners of a credit card with compromised security !
Oh ...... and by the way, if you let the helpful people at the bank know, they will cancel your card on the spot !
Thanks Festool.:mad:

8th September 2006, 10:23 PM
Have to agree on the 15.6 TDK. I've had mine for about 6 months, and now when I pick up any of the more popular brand drills it feels downright agricultural by comparison. Just wish the Centrotec drill set was a bit more affordable. But when was Festool ever affordable?

For doing Festool business, I can highly recommend Ideal Tools at <www.idealtools.com.au>

Great service, no credit card hassles apart from the inevitable thrashing the plastic gets in the Festool cause. And no, I don't have a personal interest in the business, except that I've done my bit to keep it running.

- MC

9th September 2006, 08:59 AM
Yep, I'm with bashosfrog - Anthony at Idealtools was great. Need any Festools in the future, go with them.


Bleedin Thumb
9th September 2006, 12:36 PM
Oh ...... and by the way, if you let the helpful people at the bank know, they will cancel your card on the spot !
Thanks Festool.:mad:

Oh great isnt that so typical, thats why I won't contact them if I cant find my wallet until I've demolished the house, stripped the car back to the chassis and interrogated the children under threats of corporal punishment etc.
Did you contact customer service at Festool and give them a serve ? it usually doesn't help but can make you feel better.:)

EDIT PS you should report it to the card supplier Visa, mastercard if it was one of those- you would think that it was in there interest to make there products safe to use.
It would be interesting to hear their response anyway - thats if they get back to you.:(

12th September 2006, 04:35 PM
Thanks for the input gents.
No satisfactory reply from Festool, so unfortunately, the situation has gone LEGAL.
Master Card have gone it to bat, together with the Office of Privacy Commissioner and Consumer Affairs.
It just a shame the innovation and forward thinking ends with the tool !
I'II let you all know of the out come, when the dust settles.

Cheers :confused:

Bleedin Thumb
12th September 2006, 05:39 PM
Don't accept any apology from Festool unless it comes with a generous sprinkling of samples.:p

12th September 2006, 07:59 PM
Hi Sparky,

Glad to hear you're pushing the Company for accountability.
Is it possible for you to outline ToolTechnic's response and how far up the chain you got?



16th September 2006, 06:16 PM

You will be happy to hear, the internet Festool battery drill saga has come to a conclusion.
Useful information I have gleaned from the events, see below.

1. If you have a problem with a Festool, you let Anthony at Ideal Tool know ..... or better still, buy the Festool from him in the first place.
This retailer, was the conduit, that single handedly solved the problem, and bought the two parties to an understanding ..... in his own time, using his own resources.
Anthony my sincere thanks.

2. Festool, when given the opportuntity to rectify a fault, problem or complaint .... WILL ! that's the bottom line, and that one of the reasons why we pay top dollar for there tools.

3. If you have a complaint with a vendor, or service provider .... talk to them and let them know of your concerns ...... if the first person is not listening, try someone a little higher, or perhaps someone that can take an objective view.
You can save yourself a hell of lot of ink, typing, time and money with this approach.

4. Banks are still BASTARDS !

Gents, thanks again for the advise.:D

P.S Flowboy, it went as high as it could go, on Australian soil.

16th September 2006, 08:21 PM
Well done Sparky, we all owe you thanks for your endeavour and our future security.
I think you're right that Anthony is THE MAN!
It's very reassuring to hear that TT were so amenable and you're absolutely right that that is part of what we pay for. It's just good to know it happens.



17th September 2006, 11:16 AM

Bleedin Thumb
17th September 2006, 11:29 AM
Good on ya Sparky, glad to see you get satisfaction.

18th September 2006, 09:52 PM
sorry to here about that sparky. I also have a Festool TDK 15.6 and I must say I love the centrotec where you can change at a blink of an eye. However my battery life is for some reason not holding its charge. I have had my festy for almost 12 months now.
Mick :)