View Full Version : Nail Guns

1st September 2006, 04:55 PM
Gday all,

Would most of the cheap framing nail guns be able to handle seasoned "old" jarrah reasonably easily.
I doubt that i would be able to find the work for a big name gun but it may be handy to have a GMC or other lieing around.

Any help appreciated.

2nd September 2006, 07:42 AM
I don't think so, Steve. In my experience hard timbers are shocked into splitting by nail guns.

3rd September 2006, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the reply Rossluck.
Looks like a predrill and nail this ends.

4th September 2006, 02:05 PM
Even the big boy brand guns will have trouble. I tried to use a PC framer once in some rather solid wood and it wouldnt drive all the way at max pressure. This wood was tougher than iron. Densest wood I have ever seen! I ended up pre-drilling and using screws. That worked :)

6th September 2006, 08:31 PM
I did a bit of work with a mate who was renovating their home. He bought a senco and decent compressor. Even then it somtimes failed to drive a nail all the way into 70 odd year old hard wood.

10th September 2006, 08:54 AM
I built a dack with a Bostitch coil nailgun using new 25 mm thick blackwood into old hardwood joists. I did have to turn up the pressure a bit to 120 psi (from memory) but all the 65 mm nails went in. I couldn't use them at the ends of the board because of splitting. Went for predrlling and handnailing there.