View Full Version : acrylic captive ring

Jude A
4th September 2006, 12:13 AM
Hey yall,
Had some more time so I decided to do another captive ring this time in acrylic. No metal centerband just a peice of scrap lamanited wood. Finished it off with renaissance wax.
Learned something yesterday. Even though the peices of acrlic that come off are strings ya still need to wear a face sheild. I only had safty glasses on and would ya know it a string flew off and wint up my nose:eek: it would have been funnier if it happened and their was someone else their to watch. Oh well. Now on full face protection!!!!!!!
Hope yall enjoy the pic

4th September 2006, 12:21 AM
That is one seriously outrageous pen Jude.!:D I don't often visit this section, but that one was worth a look!:)

4th September 2006, 12:39 AM
another bueaty there

Skew ChiDAMN!!
4th September 2006, 02:22 AM
Very distinctive! :)

No problems polishing the inside of the ring? I like to burnish the wooden ones by pressing them against the body of the pen while it's spinning, but as I'm sure you've already found out for yourself, that's a BIG no-no with acrylic. :rolleyes:

Jude A
4th September 2006, 07:02 AM
No problems polishing the inside of the ring?
I have not figured that out yet so I left it unpollished. No prob for this one is mine and you need a small mirror to see under it anyho. It also makes more noise than my wooden one!!!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
4th September 2006, 03:45 PM
What I do is move the ring to one end or the other (as far as it'll go) & use some water-proof tape to wrap some fine grit wet'n'dry sandpaper around the pen. Wet the paper, slide the ring back to the middle and use the pen'n'paper like a sanding drum.

Ya gotta be very careful not to overheat it and keeping the paper wet's pretty important...

4th September 2006, 04:22 PM
that is one very interesting pen. well done.