View Full Version : shim stock

11th September 2006, 03:03 PM
Hi, I'm an absolute beginner to metalwork. I need some patient guidance for the use of shim stock if anybody knows how to use this stuff please. First, where can I get some most reasonably costing shim stock from? I just need A4 sized artwork by using shim stock. I need them to be thin enough to cut into a very delicate shapes with a craft knife but still retain the shape. Please help!:confused:

11th September 2006, 04:18 PM
Not sure what you mean by shim stock. What sort of material do you want it in. Metal, Plastic, Cardboard etc.

Ivan in Oz
11th September 2006, 05:34 PM
A4 Size........Hmmm????

I've seen it in Rolls about 150-200mm Wide
In both Brass and Steel.
From Very Very Very Thin to somewhere near 1/2 mm Thick [THIN]:D

Good Scissors are OK for the Brass;
Aviation Snips for the Steel

11th September 2006, 05:48 PM
If you're after something soft, aluminium flashing could be the go.

Available in rolls of various widths & thicknesses, at hardware or plumbing supplies.

Small quantities of shim stock? Cut soft drink cans up.
