View Full Version : Hasp and Staple replacement

14th September 2006, 12:20 AM
This is probably coals to Newcastle for most of you fellows out there but I hadn't thought of this before and it really makes sense.......... I have been making boxes to hold power tools and have been using hasp and staples on most of them.. Didn't much like them but they are simple get & use.... Well last week I saw a mate who had used tonneau clips on his boxes and I really liked the concept............... here is a picture of a box that I removed the locking hasp and staple from and replaced it with a tonneau clip........ As I say, a lot of you folks will probably be already using something like this......... Took me 56 years to pick up on it!:eek:

14th September 2006, 02:31 AM
Interesting one Peter - where do you source those from?

Where've you been btw - haven't seen you in about 2 months? :eek:

14th September 2006, 08:24 AM
I too would like to know where you obtain them (actually sense I can't trot over to AUS for a rubber band, I wonder if they are on-line available) or by another name than tonneau clip? Any search comes up void or tonneau cover for a truck...?

Bleedin Thumb
14th September 2006, 10:28 AM
I've bought them before from shipping chandlers... try Whitworths.

14th September 2006, 12:46 PM
I too would like to know where you obtain them (actually sense I can't trot over to AUS for a rubber band, I wonder if they are on-line available) or by another name than tonneau clip? Any search comes up void or tonneau cover for a truck...?

I got these from a motor spare parts shop. They are used to hold down the vinyl cover on the back of a ute................ The fellow whose idea it was originally gets his from a ship chandler...........

14th September 2006, 12:51 PM
Interesting one Peter - where do you source those from?

Where've you been btw - haven't seen you in about 2 months? :eek:

I have been busier than a one armed traffic cop and in the the middle of that I got the mother and father of all colds................ I have never been knocked around so much by a cold..................... Feeling much better now thank you!:)

14th September 2006, 05:23 PM
They look like a one's all my Ford utes have had...

15th September 2006, 12:11 AM
They look like a one's all my Ford utes have had...

There ya go............. That's exactly what they are.......... I think that the marine versions are better!