View Full Version : Pay day come but once a month...

15th September 2006, 11:54 AM
Sigh in relief, payday is hears again, I had run out of pen kits earlier this week and was suffring withdrawl symptoms!

Off to Carba-tec today for new stash to satisfy my addiction.

Anyone else suffer withdrawl like me?

15th September 2006, 11:57 AM
yep it terrible don't know what to do with yourself. All these beautiful pens blanks just begging to be made into something real nice.
bye Toni

Jude A
15th September 2006, 01:21 PM
Been their ...wait I am their, I ran out The other day nearest store is 4 hour dive 1 way . So I ordered, I'm lazy. Should be here tomorow just in time for the weekend yee haa

15th September 2006, 02:42 PM
Sigh in relief, payday is hears again, I had run out of pen kits earlier this week and was suffring withdrawl symptoms!

Off to Carba-tec today for new stash to satisfy my addiction.

Anyone else suffer withdrawl like me?

Unfortunatly I am at the other end of the scale, have bought too much stuff and am wondering how in the hell am I going to get any of it back!!!

15th September 2006, 03:08 PM
nearest store is 4 hour dive 1 way

Straight down? Wow - that's one hell of a bungie!

15th September 2006, 03:31 PM
:rolleyes: Toasty you need to give me turning lessons.:rolleyes: That way you recoup some of your hard earned!!!!:D



15th September 2006, 03:46 PM
Unfortunatly I am at the other end of the scale, have bought too much stuff and am wondering how in the hell am I going to get any of it back!!!

Look being the self sacrificing individual that I am I will ease you pain by allowing you to send the extra's to me - purely for your own good and I take no pleasure in this what so ever :p

15th September 2006, 03:49 PM
well if it going for nothing, Toasty I take some off your hands. I test run those new pens for Jim if you need it..LOL

15th September 2006, 04:16 PM
:rolleyes: Toasty you need to give me turning lessons
Mate, would probably start you with more bad habits than you need! Unfortunatly I am only book taught and am probably doing most things half assed...

Look being the self sacrificing individual that I am I will ease you pain by allowing you to send the extra's to me - purely for your own good and I take no pleasure in this what so ever :p

well if it going for nothing, Toasty I take some off your hands. I test run those new pens for Jim if you need it..LOL
Awwwwww yous two are the best, looking out for my wellbeing and all that :p

15th September 2006, 05:03 PM
i'm like that now. i think i got like 8 kits left. gonna order some in the holidays (should have a few hundred $$ by then ).

it sucks too, because when you get low, you have to seriously consider wether or not to put the pen together or save it for the next one.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
15th September 2006, 05:21 PM
I'm also out. :( Got plenty of tubes, centre-bands, clips, nibs, etc. But no mechanisms. Not a single, solitary one.

I hope one of those mongrels out there will settle their account soon! I've already built up quite a wish-list from the Berea catalogue, but that can only hold off the withdrawal symptoms for so long... :rolleyes:

24th September 2006, 12:28 PM
Yup pen making is addicting but with an aching back from standing on the concrete floor and after the hours put in on making a creation or set of them I remind my self someone better pay me for this or else. As it would turn out luck would have it. I live in a community with a golf course and the community wood shop is just right off the 1st tee and I went out for a smoke while allowing the finish to dry a bit before going into a buff on a pen that was still on the lathe and the golf pro was sneaking a smoke just out the back door of the shop and he aske me what I was doing besides blowing smoke and so I showed him and sold him pen from my stock of finished pens for 4times my investment other than time and therfore keep my self going for profit and fun. So make your own pay day. Here in the U.S. pens sell for between $35.00 to $125.00 depending on the kit and the wood and the salesmanship. That buys a few kits, blanks, smokes and beers after. Also a nice dip in the hot tub dosent hurt either.
Good turning to ya.
Its nice to see this is a hobby enjoyed world over.
When Im paid I alwas see the job through and when I have money in my hand I forget about the pain I went through to make it happen.