View Full Version : Martial Arts weapons

26th September 2006, 07:50 AM
I know there are some on here who are into the martial arts, so I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction for plans or some examples of various weapons that I can measure off. As I've said before, I have a fair old chunk of Jap oak (Q. Glauca) which I'm itching to turn into something worthwhile (not just tool handles or plane bodies, although that is on the cards too). If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to swap some timber for knowledge? Suggestions for other applications will be gratefully accepted as well.

26th September 2006, 09:17 AM
Whilst not offering full instruction this site does indicate lengths of weapons etc, may be of some help:

26th September 2006, 04:16 PM
Whilst not offering full instruction this site does indicate lengths of weapons etc, may be of some help:

Thanks Iain. I was hoping for some more detailed info on such things as curve radii, profiles, lengths, bent or shaped, that sort of thing. Proper plans would be fantastic.

dai sensei
26th September 2006, 09:41 PM
If your going to Rockers meet, I can bring some with me and you are welcome to measure them up. You'll need to give me a reminder.

Alternatively, next your down my way call in.


26th September 2006, 09:46 PM
Exador try some of your local clubs, if you are nice they will most likely let you have good look at the variuos weapons, they are also a ready made market, Ninja (Japan) Hapkido (Korea) use lots of weapons. Also be aware that "legaly" you have to registered to make such items and you are required to keep sales records

27th September 2006, 02:48 AM
Requirements for licencing, permits, security etc. varies from state to state - real PITA too if you travel to shows or want to sell interstate.

If you are sell to overseas customers then you need to check out the Australian Customs web site & look at ALL the weapons sheets, not just the one that seem relevant - DAMHIK:mad:

27th September 2006, 09:16 AM
I've made a few of those knoggin knockers for my Grandson and some to gift to his instructors. Seems there is a distinction as to the length of the arm etc. I also made a long pointy stick (don't you just love the technical words?) thingy that he needed to whack and twirl around. Its length was determined by his height. Those nut knockers with the chains in the middle were similar sized. Grandson is a Black Belt and working on next order, I go watch the compititions, etc. but haven't a clue what they are doing. But when he wants a new stick or pointy thing he comes to me to make one. "Just give me the dimensions" I say..... Like was said before, go to the schools (MoJo) and they have all the particulars and what is "Legal" sizes and dimensions. I think they have a host of rules for compititions and the sizes of the do-dads along with what woods they are made from. Go to the source.

Here is a hanger-upper-thingy I made for his belts....

He has it full now, complete with the Black belt.

Sorry for the non technical terms but I haven't mastered English yet, I can curse in French, and insult folks in German but can't quite master the Orient.

27th September 2006, 09:21 AM
go to the schools (MoJo).

Aaahhh Glasshopper, Mojo is flom Hostin Power, Blitish sply, Dojo is School of glate lerring:D

27th September 2006, 10:00 AM
Thanks to all for your advice.

Neil, I can't make it to Rocker's as I'll be busy turning logs into a sawdust pile not all that far from where you're currently working. I would love to take you up on your offer next time I'm at the Cold Toast when you're available, I'll give you a call.

Iain, Hickory, et al I shall try a couple of the local dojos, although I'd like to have some knowledge before I do so I don't make a dill of myself:o. I can do that with complete understanding of a topic, I don't need to handicap myself:D.

bsrlee - I wasn't aware that licensing was required :eek:. Who do I get in touch with to find out more? Would licensing also apply if I was to simply produce blanks for finishing by the purchaser?

27th September 2006, 09:02 PM
You really have to contact the firearms registry section of the Police for your state.

For instance, in NSW, you would have to have a full sized safe, securely fastened down or built-in, a monitored, back-to-base alarm, plus pay a license fee of about $1,000 (may have gone up) as well as a fingerprint/criminal record check. Here in NSW for example, nunchaku, tonfa & sai are all prohibited weapons, plus a heap on other things that even the registry can't properly identify or describe :o

Other states are more or less restrictive - mainly less restrictive, until an election comes up & the Pollies try to make out how tough they are by stuffing everyone about.

You may get into trouble if you mail something to someone in a state where it isa probibited weapon or 'item' - the penalty for 'supply' is often higher than simple possesion.

If you go to the Australian Customs site & download the 'Application for permission to import Chedule 2 & 3 weapons' form, page 2 has the web site address, e-mail & snail-mail for all state & territory Police Registries.

28th September 2006, 08:19 AM
Aaahhh Glasshopper, Mojo is flom Hostin Power, Blitish sply, Dojo is School of glate lerring:D

I tolded ya I din't know no Orient stuff I just an olde Hill Billie

28th September 2006, 08:45 AM
If you go to the Australian Customs site & download the 'Application for permission to import Chedule 2 & 3 weapons' form, page 2 has the web site address, e-mail & snail-mail for all state & territory Police Registries.

Thanks very much for that. I'll go and have a look.