View Full Version : Digital Pics from camera to PC-program wanted

10th October 2006, 03:46 PM
Gday all

Looking for a small program to download digital pics from my Canon digital camera to the PC.

Our PC runs XP, and I use the standard Scanner & Camera wizard to get the pics onto the computer.

On our previous computer running Win 98 I used Canon's Zoombrowser program, which I found pretty clunky generally, but for one handy feature.

Getting pics from the camera, you could configure it to automatically download and sort the pics into newly created folders, naming each folder by the shooting date or whatever.

This is basically the feature I want, rather that manually creating a folder for each shooting date and copying the relevant pics into it, which is a bit slow & fiddly if there are heaps to do.

Hope someone has the good oil.


10th October 2006, 03:52 PM
photo albumn used to be fairly good when JASC was in charge - dont know if Corel have borked it up, but there's a demo you can download - might be worth a try.

10th October 2006, 03:59 PM
Try this freebie from Google.

I've just come across it and I think it's really nifty for a freebie.

It will do everything you want I think. The timeline feature is pretty cool.


10th October 2006, 04:00 PM
Try Picasa (http://picasa.google.com/). You can also create web albums with it.

10th October 2006, 04:02 PM
I like Adobe Photoshop Album

10th October 2006, 11:11 PM
Gday all

On our previous computer running Win 98 I used Canon's Zoombrowser program, which I found pretty clunky generally, but for one handy feature.

I got the latest Zoombrowser... its still clunky and problemic as ever!
Takes a good 7~10min for 800mb of photos!:confused:
When it searched my compoota for files it locked up and chrashed (the only crash so far, poota 6mths old)

Dunno might be my new camera(canon 400D), using XP's wizard it automatically create's a dated folder, if there's 2 days of shooting on the card it create's 2 folders.
Do you just load from the card or plug in the camera, i just use the card plugged into my LCD screen's card slot(about 2min for 800mb).

10th October 2006, 11:29 PM
umm am i missing something here??
why not use windows explorer??
it has thumbnail veiws of the pics and you can make folders, transfer files back and forward, delete, copy etc etc etc

it is a very neat file management tool, costs nothing, has a decent help section, and is in every windows computer...

Go on,
take control of your files......

10th October 2006, 11:39 PM
Thats the wizard we talkin of...

10th October 2006, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the ideas everyone :)

Had a fiddle around with the XP wizard, it looked like it only created one folder with todays date, rather than separate folders for each shooting date. Interesting what you mentioned about it creating 2 folders, Harry, might try it again.

Have Picassa on the old (now the kid's) PC, will have a play to see if it does what I need.

Loaded Zoombrowser on the current PC this afternoon, will use it for the time being until I can explore some of these options.

Ray, yeah it can be done just with explorer, but if you have a card full of images shot across 10 or 15 dates it becomes a bit tedious to do "manually".

Thanks again.............cheers............Sean

11th October 2006, 12:02 AM
Kodak easyshare allows you to put pictures into folders you name your self. Don't know if it will work with a Canon Camera.

Try here http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=7895&pq-locale=en_AU

11th October 2006, 06:27 AM
Hi Scooter,

Both HP and Olympus have feebies on their websites, suitable for different models of their cameras, but you may have some joy there. Do Canon have the same? I've got a Canon scanner but never looked for s/w for cameras.
As Oldpicker said, you could just connect the camera via USB and Windows should just ask you what to do next. It works well, particularly if you have a program for further processing.



11th October 2006, 10:00 AM
If you actually browse the camera with explorer you can
select all folders containing pics [ctrl + A]
cut [ctrl + X]
select destination folder
paste [ctrl +V]
viola the whole damn lot will tfer within a few seconds

once you got the folder in you can sort through and delete the crap

i hate those proprietory programs that try and dumb down a simple file management task. With a few simple skills and windows explorer you can avoid loading those programs that often contain spyware and want to constantly talk to a server on the web, transfering info back and forward. They also are quite often TSR's [terminate and stay resident] meaning they are running in memory all the time hogging your systems resources.

BTW you aint the only one lookin at yer pix...... :(

11th October 2006, 07:20 PM
From Jow 104 using Alexs user name.
IMHO you wont beat paint shop pro , get the trial download and if satisfied I am sure you will pay up for the full program.

14th October 2006, 05:31 PM
Thanks for the ideas, fellas :)
