View Full Version : Painting PVC Pipe?

13th October 2006, 05:03 PM
I am making some dog agility equipment from PVC Pipe. I want to make it look nice so I was looking for the best paint that adheres to PVC.

I have done a search and came up with Krylon Fusion Paint (specially formulated for plastics). However, I checked the local hardware stores and they don't stock it.

I found an order online, (I&J Print & Sign Supplies), but they said because it is flammable postage is $17.

Anyone know other options of paint I could use on PVC?

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks. :)

Larry M
13th October 2006, 05:14 PM

Before anyone flames you with a DAS (do a search):D




13th October 2006, 08:42 PM
It sounds like the pvc will be subject to some abbrasion, so using weathershield etc will not last,You will probably need to use an industrial primer first.Check the Dulux industrial range.


13th October 2006, 10:28 PM
Thanks larry, what a dummy I am.. was accidental I swear.. no excuses though.

Thanks tools, I'll check that out.

26th October 2006, 03:03 PM
I have painted all my PVC pipes and other plastic items, like the exhaust fan obove the shower. To get "normal" paint to stick, I use that etching primer stuff plumbers use. It's cheap and it works.

It provides a good base for paint to stick to and years later they still look great.


4th November 2006, 07:29 PM
A cheaper and safer way to etch PVC is with acetone. Plumbing primer is carcinogenic. you could also try 'ezyprep' from you local paint store, makes paint stick to virtually anything.

www.homehuntingtips.com (http://www.homehuntingtips.com)