View Full Version : So whose the villian here now days ?

14th October 2006, 10:15 PM
..... nobody left to hate. Every joint needs a villian uno. Somebody to loathe and gosip about.

I mean, Lignum was the last bad boy I remember......but then :rolleyes: he went all lovey dovey on us...... and everytime he posts its about a sentence long with a - > :) .....behind it. Painful. Can't even get a rise out of him.

Snap out of it mate ! :D

14th October 2006, 10:21 PM
You get right up my nose, I hate you, you are an absolute moron, worse than Auzzieturner, cretin, etc etc.
OK, I really enjoy your posts but you sounded like you needed a little hate, trust this makes you feel better:D :D :D :D :D
Greenie launched just to reassure you that we still love you.....sweetie;)

14th October 2006, 10:26 PM
And a cuddle for both of you too!! You're right though, what happened to the Apricot of yore?

I must admit I've been working and not paying anywhere near enough attention to the forum, and a good old bunfight would do us the world of good!

Hey Jake, did you ever get that laundry window done?


14th October 2006, 10:50 PM
What makes you think there's no-one left to hate. :p :D

journeyman Mick
14th October 2006, 11:09 PM
........................I must admit I've been working and not paying anywhere near enough attention to the forum, and a good old bunfight would do us the world of good!.........................

Right, everybody pick on the Biting Midge!:eek: :D He puts up a good fight (which'll make it interesting) but he's not around too much (which will make it easy too :D )

15th October 2006, 02:40 AM
Ahhhh the good `ol days :rolleyes: :)

15th October 2006, 02:47 AM

15th October 2006, 04:22 AM
You're right; we have all gone soft. Only the other day, someone called me a self-aggrandising prima donna, and all I did was to reply "yer right; I'll pull my head in". Back in the days of kenmil, I was more game for a ding-dong:)


15th October 2006, 09:05 AM
Ahhhh the good `ol days :rolleyes: :)

:mad: Ah #### Lignum ! ...you've done it again. .....enough with those smiley thingos. ;)

Midge....the window hasn't even been started yet :o .... plans shifted about...... money got short, then we relised we might buy all the glass at once..... (for doors etc etc) .....currently working on 3 doors again, and a wall, and a fence, and digging holes.......she likes me to dig holes for her ..... :D The things you do for LOVE eh. :rolleyes:

15th October 2006, 11:16 AM
You're right; we have all gone soft. Only the other day, someone called me a self-aggrandising prima donna, and all I did was to reply "yer right; I'll pull my head in". Back in the days of kenmil, I was more game for a ding-dong:)


Same here, a grump told me to stop boring everyone about the Domino and to get of my "soap box" and gave me to good `ol angry red face. I replied but then deleted it because i couldnt be bothered as he didnt warrant a reply (i did send him a possitive rep though:) ) Gone soft (just for Tripper:( )

Eddie Jones
15th October 2006, 06:45 PM
If yerz are reeeeealy desperate, I could put me Spelling Nazi suit on again?

Me bum still smarts from the last time!

But it gave all youse woody kids someone to pick on - That's the main thing.

15th October 2006, 06:50 PM
Strewth! I dunno..... I hate youse all equally and wivout feer or fayvor, 'specially on Wnsdees an most uvver days what finish wiv Y. Youse all stink, youse all are styoopud .... Jeeze I luvs hatin' youse lot, lyfe woont be wurf livin wivout hating youse all!

15th October 2006, 07:42 PM
Right, everybody pick on the Biting Midge!:eek: :D He puts up a good fight (which'll make it interesting) but he's not around too much (which will make it easy too :D )
You can't nominate Midge....... He's a Queenslander & he's a good bloke!!

Pick a Mexican if you must... ;) :D :D :D

15th October 2006, 07:49 PM
a Queenslander & he's a good bloke!!

15th October 2006, 08:02 PM
That Iain fella's a bit nasty, can we nominate him.

He calls people oxygen thieves and morons in one word and can't even spell it out in full.


15th October 2006, 09:25 PM
Oh pick me pick me.

What game are we playing now?:cool:

Captain Chaos
15th October 2006, 09:32 PM
Oh pick me pick me.

What game are we playing now?:cool:

15th October 2006, 09:42 PM
Pong..... ;)

Cliff Rogers
15th October 2006, 09:44 PM
How come you have 2 eyes in your name but only one in your avatar? :cool: :confused: ;) :D

15th October 2006, 10:02 PM
Artsmarse:D :D :D :D
The eyes 'ave it................
Count the fingers on the left hand toooooooooooooo (2)

15th October 2006, 10:20 PM

I would love to be the villien here, but the only topics I can be really vitriolic about are banned on these Fora.

I could trash Herr Doktor Prof Festool, but his tools are great, and I quite like Lignum.

Zed's a good candidate for the position, but his electron burning persona has been seriously comprised by his sitting in a corner and hand cutting dovetails, last Friday.

Youse guys just shouldn't ban people, or take exception to their dikhead views. If we nurtured them, and encouraged them, for a while, then we could all have some fun.

Come back Kenmill, all is forgiven.

Spelling Nazi, do your worst, or is it a pun?

PS Zed, wanna come down to the practice nets one evening? I'll open your eyes to God's great game and gift to humanity. Box provided.

16th October 2006, 07:25 AM
Bodge, I'll happily bowl and hit a few with ya. I like to PLAY - its just the watchin' thats boring. In fact I used to have quite a turn of speed in me yoof. with a nice light bat I can even hit the ball.:rolleyes:

16th October 2006, 10:03 AM
If I said half of what it crosses my mind to say, you'd all hate me ;)


16th October 2006, 10:20 AM
Cmon everyone, group hug:) :) :)

Cliff Rogers
16th October 2006, 01:41 PM
Cmon everyone, group hug:) :) :)
Benny, you are sick. :p

16th October 2006, 01:53 PM
Didn't think it would be long before I got a bite.

Oh well off to my job interview now, best not hug them.

16th October 2006, 02:57 PM
:mad: Ah #### Lignum ! ...you've done it again. .....enough with those smiley thingos. ;)

....and a fence, and digging holes.......she likes me to dig holes for her ..... :D The things you do for LOVE eh. :rolleyes:

With the benefit of hindsight, or something, the first thing we should have done when we started earning was buy a bloody post hole digger - or a "Kinghitter" to drive them into the ground without argument... Years on, and all those holes... aaarrggghhhh.....

Cliff Rogers
16th October 2006, 07:06 PM
I'm going to nominate Gumby for being a grumpy old bugger & handing out reds for birthday wishes. :cool:

Happy Birthday Gumby. :D

17th October 2006, 03:35 PM
ya can all pick me as i have a responible position around here ............anything goes wrong and im responible!!!!!

as i worked for the oldman and with two older brothers im used to crap rolling downhill as it has happened for most of my life. so just pick me i can take it!:cool:

Auld Bassoon
17th October 2006, 05:21 PM
Err, shouldn't that be
Fix Or Repair Daily

:D :D :D

17th October 2006, 05:23 PM
Found On Rubbish Dump?:p :p :D

I used to be a Ford man till I got sick of repairing mine.