View Full Version : Greenland style kayak, skin boat

28th October 2006, 09:10 PM
Hey, just finished the frame of an Inuit style kayak. Frame is made of Camphor Laurel and weighs in at just fifteen kilos. Roughly sixty hours of pure hand tool fun. Made to be a store display at Carba-Tec in Auburn, in Sydney. Come in and have a look.

28th October 2006, 11:13 PM
Looks superb
Welcome aboard (to the boaties pages) I'd love to see this progress.
Did you build the one in the background?
What's it to be finished with?
Only 60 hours? I guess being Camphor Laurel it wasn't a kit so what plan did you use?

29th October 2006, 12:00 AM
Lovely looking craft ... though I notice you're not playing with your puppy :D


29th October 2006, 07:21 AM
No plan, it was scratch built straight from the chain saw mill. Looked at Robert Morris' book to get started, but left it straight away once I had the initial dimensions. Try Chris Cunningham's book if you'd like to build one. The boat in the background, I built last fall from a kit by Pygmy boats, designed by John Lockwood. 80 hours, 4mm marine grade ply, system 3 epoxy resin, about 18 or 19 kilos with the two pack color coat. A most excellent and seaworthy kayak. Pictured here with the hound herself on board. Can't go fishing without her!

29th October 2006, 10:20 PM
For anyone interested in building skin on frame kayaks there is a wealth of information available at http://www.qajaqusa.org/ and a lot of helpful and knowledgeable people on their forum at http://www.qajaqusa.org/cgi-bin/GreenlandTechniqueForum_config.pl


30th October 2006, 03:34 PM
Hi tunahound,

Great looking boats! I'll ensure I admire the frame one next time I get to CT in Sydney.

Did you order the Pygmy kit direct from the company in the US, or does someone here sell them locally? I'm in the process of finding a kayak to build (much nicer than fibreglass, and I'm not allowed to build a big boat at the moment) so would be interested in knowing where you go it.


30th October 2006, 05:35 PM
Yes, ordered directly from the States. Did not take long to arrive, or go through customs. Delivered to my door, with little effort on my part, save an extra couple of hundred pesos. Well worth it for such a fine kit. Hope it helps.

31st October 2006, 07:49 AM
Another source of skin boat frame inspiration:


A nice variety of ideas and methods here.


10th April 2007, 09:10 PM
Ive have admired the kyak frame in at carabtec during my last couple of visits, I'm rather impressed with the design and the inovative use of the Domino.

Keep up the good work, its inspirational



Wild Dingo
11th April 2007, 01:27 PM
Well not to be picky here but its meant to be a SKIN on frame kayak... not just a frame kayak... so what are you skining to cover the frame? roo? emu? a bunch of wombats drop bears or are you gonna find a whale or seal and do it properly :o

Well??? SKIN??? ahem... else its just a frame of a kayak

But a nice frame... mmm wonder if I can get away with just a frame for her highnesses kitchen cupboards without skinning them? :; "Nah darls I havent forgotten nuffin these are skin and frame cupboards but I left the skin of for the arty pharty value" :U

Dont mind me mate youve done a fine job of the frame kayak :;

11th April 2007, 03:51 PM
Since we haven't heard from turnahound for over 4 months I think we can Hijack this thread a little ... at least it keeps it alive

No Dingo go with the skin only for the cupboards ... you'll get away with that until she goes to open them and they fall apart ...but at least they'll look the part.

BTW Dingo picked up a house last week that was going at the right price (like free :2tsup: ) but that's for another thread. ... tease aren't I

Wild Dingo
11th April 2007, 07:51 PM
Since we haven't heard from turnahound for over 4 months I think we can Hijack this thread a little ... at least it keeps it alive

Sooo?? I dont read dates!!! :U

No Dingo go with the skin only for the cupboards ... you'll get away with that until she goes to open them and they fall apart ...but at least they'll look the part.

Nah if the carcas is good an tuff it should stay open... and what doors?? Im taking carcass here maybe a shelf or two but no doors no back no sides just a carcas!! :; toughen up woman!! :~

BTW Dingo picked up a house last week that was going at the right price (like free :2tsup: ) but that's for another thread. ... tease aren't I

BLOODY HELL!!! FREE??? A HOUSE??? YER FRIGGIN WHAT???? Damn it son tell all... frig it I'll start the thread meself in Announcements you just fill in the gaps okay!!

16th May 2007, 08:14 AM
Sorry for the late reply. I've been on a couple of other projects. A chair, and fortunately, another boat. As for the skin, I'm looking at ballistic nylon available through George Dyson's baidarka co. in the States. I'm afraid I'll have to build another frame as it doesn't look like my boss wants to part with the display.

16th May 2007, 05:56 PM
Thank you for noticing Hoppoz,

Yes, the Domino machine made short work of the mortices. All 56 joints cut for the ribs in about fifteen minutes with accurate spacing and precision. A brilliant little device, that one.


19th May 2007, 09:24 PM
Wild Dingo, my husband will probably turn apoplectic when he sees that I've not only responded but actually REGISTERED on a site in His Majesty's Domain, but I couldn't help myself....

Just to clarify, he actually "skinned" the frames on our kitchen cupboards with some very nice walnut, after constructing the entire kitchen from drywall, tile, and a few lonely electrical cords, and in doing so absolved himself from ANY "boat criticism" for many moons to come. It was worth a lot of relationship&'floatingmoneyholeinthewater' pesos, by the way, in case your wife is a similarly thinking gal as I... Besides, the FISH he caught the next season was an entertainment culinary masterpiece! As much as I wanted some ammo on him, I was unfortunately left bereft...

Best of luck with yours:;
Tuna Hound's Ball&Chain

Well not to be picky here but its meant to be a SKIN on frame kayak... not just a frame kayak... so what are you skining to cover the frame? roo? emu? a bunch of wombats drop bears or are you gonna find a whale or seal and do it properly :o

Well??? SKIN??? ahem... else its just a frame of a kayak

But a nice frame... mmm wonder if I can get away with just a frame for her highnesses kitchen cupboards without skinning them? :; "Nah darls I havent forgotten nuffin these are skin and frame cupboards but I left the skin of for the arty pharty value" :U

Dont mind me mate youve done a fine job of the frame kayak :;

6th March 2008, 07:01 AM
Hey you strip built kayak builders. Here's another good one: Wooden surfboards! Just started a few and they are great fun. Have a look at the slideshow: "building wooden surfboards in sydney pt.1" on www.youtube.com for pics of the process. Halfway through the first three and they are looking good.


6th March 2008, 09:17 PM
Ya know what would be really cool to cover it with.
Cleer heatshrink plastic:2tsup:

Or even better...... ROSCO Shrink mirror......its a mirror finish heat shrinkable plastic.........It wouldn't be sea worthy. but hell you could hang it as a mirror ball


7th March 2008, 08:13 AM

Check out the following site -


(you may have to cut & paste, not sure if link works).

Chris has designed some great kayaks, and done a few covered in clear vinyl (or something). They look sensational...and you could see the fish :D


7th March 2008, 08:21 PM
Tom Yost is a bit of a Legend. He has recnetly added instructions for non- folding kayaks. Wish I had them when I did this one. Fabric courtesy of Spotlight- $22/m from memory, so kind of expensive for a skin that you need to be so careful of


7th March 2008, 10:09 PM
Great Kayak James :2tsup::2tsup:

What's the actual material you used? And how fragile is it? And one more...what sort of timber did you use?

Thanks for the correction too...it's Tom, not Chris Yost :doh::o So much for doing it from memory.


7th March 2008, 10:54 PM
very funky,:hpydans: but it would be a sauna inside one of those in our climate:firedevil:


8th March 2008, 06:54 AM

the material is tablecloth vinyl from Spotlight. It is not very durable and I ended up with some small tears after a rocky landing at Noosa. Just patched it up with clear tape from our local camping place. I probably should have glued on some more robust fabric "keelstrips".

Another problem I found is that like Soundman I live in SE Qld. Although the boat is no hotter to paddle than any of my regular kayaks, the clear skin shows off any mold inside the boat very well. I am hoping to launch a rolling kayak this afternoon and have skinned it in builders plastic and duct tape to test it out. I am planning on ordering polyester skin from Dustcotech in Brisbane for the rolling boat once I am happy with the fitting etc. I spoke with Emily in sales last week and they have some suitable product, unfortunately it is $30/ Metre

The timber in both these boats is a mix of hoop pine, slash pine and some pine pallets I got for free (deck beams and ribs). the hardest part for me was locating the 17 foot clear timber for the stringers and gunwales. I would like to use WRC for the next boat to cut the weight. even so it is a very manageable 1 person lift onto our 4wd.



8th March 2008, 12:40 PM
I am hoping to launch a rolling kayak this afternoon and have skinned it in builders plastic and duct tape to test it out.

Aren't you worried that it will tear if you bump some driftwood or a wave dumps on you? I suppose if you always had your duct tape handy...


Tony Hook
29th September 2012, 01:46 PM
Hi Tunahound,

Nice kayak. I’m jealous!! I’m up to the rib stage. I tried Tassie Oak with no luck after soaking for 3 days and steaming. Do you have any suggestions on wood selection and where to get it?
