View Full Version : Interest in Custom Dust Covers

11th April 2003, 11:35 PM
If I was to get SWMBO to make some custom fit dust covers for your tools/machinery (which you put over your machinery when not in use to reduce dust build up on them - saving you having to clean them when dust flies all over your shop) i.e. drill press, bandsaw, mortisers, scroll saws, lathe etc etc.
Can also help in rust prevention to a degree.

Would anyone be interested in buying them at a reasonable price? Yes, you could even have some custom embroidery printed on it if you like :) (cost a bit more though)
Made from calico which will stop most dust from getting in, except maybe the really really fine micron stuff.... Covers are machine washable and pretty durable as long as you dont attack them with a knife etc.

SWMBO wants a job but preferably something from home as we still have 'little ones' that need attention.

Any interest in this?

Here is a quick pic of one for a benchtop drill press. Note, the ones you would buy (if you were interested) would have a better fit than this. This was SWMBO's 10 second job.