View Full Version : Woodwork Teacher Wanted

15th April 2003, 07:07 PM
I have received this email which was sent to Jane La Scala - Secretary of the VWA and forwarded to me via, Wood Borer.

I am Community Development Worker in Western Region Melbourne. I work for ISIS Primary Care with people with acquired brain injury. My clients are adult males and during their recreation activities they would love to do some woodwork. The problem is that for past 1.5 year I am unable to find the person that would have the skills to teach/show them how to do woodwork.

We are not rich but we could consider small salary for the suitable person. The program is run for 3 hours once a week and restarts in May 2003.

I decided to write to you to find out if you have any knowledge of such person. Please do respond to this letter as soon as possible

My contact numbers are:
Phone: (03)9449 6960 Mon., Wed., Thur
Fax: (03)94496969
E-mail: [email protected]

You wouldn't need to be a full blown teacher for this one. Just have a bit of knowledge of woodwork in general, a love of people, a little bit of patience and maybe a desier to give something back to the community.

The reward from this job would be much more than you expect and would probably out weigh the need for a monetry reward all together. (I am speeking from experience here.)

Someone bite the bullet and have a go I promise you won't regret it.

Cheers - Neil. :)

Template Tom
19th April 2003, 10:30 AM
Take up the challenge as Neil said it is rewarding and not for financial gain. I volunteered to teach at the 'Blind School' here in Perth. Yes I do teach the use of the router to the blind (Impaired vision) and I get great satisfation from the expressions on their faces when they are able to achieve some parts of a project with the router.
Some of the items I have introduced is the making of (1) a shield from start to finish with the aid of the guide, (2) the sides of a small step ladder inserting the trenches, (3) Trenches for a wine rack (and there were many tenches). (4) Feet for a dolls cot, (5) Inserting dowels when constructing a small table (6) Inserting inlay grooves on a table top. I am working on new projects to be introduced at a later date. When I leave, I go home feeling much better.
Go on take up the Challenge :p

20th April 2003, 06:58 PM
id be there in a shot but i live in sydney sorry
my brother has ceribal pausey so i know what your up against i hope you get some help down there
my brother is actually a paraolympian to and a bronze medal winner ..so people shouldnt think helping the disabled is an unrewarding experience i dont and neither does his family
please keep us posted on your quest
cheers chris:)