View Full Version : Exiting new use for dominos #64.2.2

3rd November 2006, 12:40 PM
Had to make a support for the esky to sit on the campertrailer. Used The Dom to joint the ply, and was about to spend ages farting about with dowels to locate the esky, when the light came on. The wole project only took 8 seconds too. Honest. That's how good it is :rolleyes:

3rd November 2006, 11:16 PM
Tassie, Tassie, Tassie.........

You don't have seemed to of grasped what a Dominator is designed to do. I really think it's a bit beyond you, I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news. :o

Look, as a mate, I'll save you any more embarrassment.
Just put it back in the box & SEND IT TO ME!!!!! ;) :D :D :D

Honorary Bloke
3rd November 2006, 11:18 PM
Pretty cool, Tassie! Is there anything a Domi can't do? Might be useful making a break-apart tent pole as well. :D

4th November 2006, 03:11 AM

Nice one; but I am surprised that you need an esky down in those Antarctic latitudes:D


4th November 2006, 09:11 PM
I do not mean to intrude but as TassieKiwi has not had the chance to respond to the cheap shot thrown at the expense of Tasmania allow me as one who lives even closer to the South Pole than my learned colleague TassieKiwi..

I would ask you Rocker not to show your ignorance... Eski's not needed!!

the very thought is preposterous their insulating properties are sorely tested down here How do you expect us to keep things warm, it's a bit hard to fit a roast chook for that romantic picnic into your thermos..:p

(please read as intended -toungue firmly in cheek)

7th November 2006, 12:58 PM
24 deg on the NW coast Sunday morning. ;) Lots of cool crisp ales in there too!

John Saxton
7th November 2006, 02:22 PM
posted by thetassiebfg

the very thought is preposterous their insulating properties are sorely tested down here How do you expect us to keep things warm, it's a bit hard to fit a roast chook for that romantic picnic into your thermos..
