View Full Version : lathe maitenance

7th November 2006, 02:04 PM
I have purchased my first lathe from H&F AL330A very happy but was looking for advice on maintaining the lathe as i have a slight bit of surface rust appearing on the bed & chuck , what is the way to keep the machine well oiled & what product should I use?

Any other advice will be greatly appreciated


7th November 2006, 02:59 PM
I give mine a spray of CRC and place a BBQ cover over it.
Got the BBQ cover from bunnies cheap.
Cut it to fit over and around the splachback.
Works a treat.

7th November 2006, 03:31 PM
I spray mine with Lanoguard. That works OK.

Cliff Rogers
7th November 2006, 05:26 PM
The lanolin based sprays work but go tacky after a while.

I am now trying the Ubeaut Traditional Wax.

No result to report yet as we are now in our dry season.

7th November 2006, 08:26 PM
The recomendation I have seen is inox, either INOX MX3 and INOX Lanox. You can get them at Super Cheap Auto. The lanox is good for surfaces that need some level of slip (eg ways), the other good for just general rust prevention (eg chuck body). The technique I have seen is to use WD40/CRC to clean them, and then INOX to protect them. Also, leaving a coating of machine oil on the ways after you finish is a good idea.

8th November 2006, 12:10 AM
I use ordinary engine oil diluted with kero. Splash a bit on after every clean up and wipe it on the ways and everthing else that is bare metal. I then cover it with a bed sheet. Get yourself a couple of the cheap Willow tin oven trays from Woolies and slide them under the bed. Good for catching swarf and excess oil - and the never ending leak from the carriage. Yep I have a Al330A as well. :D
Oh yeah if you overdo oiling the chuck stand to the side next time you fire up the lathe or you will wear the excess.

8th November 2006, 11:44 PM
I just clean off all of the swarf at the end of doing a job, spray with penetrine type spray, wipe over with clean cotton rag and then wipe over with clean oil soaked rag and I have not had any problems with rust on the lathe. Scroll saw and both drill presses are a different problem, these I clean/vacuum waste away and use a top quality auto wax with carnuba like Mothers or magiures (spelling).