View Full Version : Veneering the hidden side

20th November 2006, 08:39 PM
Evening All,
every post/book/magazine says regardless of what substrate you veneer..always veneer both sides to stop "warpage" etc.
I'm making a jewellry box with a few drawers in it, with three outer sides veneered. I don't want to waste good veneer on the insides that will never be seen.
The question is.
Is there something that I can "veneer" the hidden insides with to prevent "warpage" problems.
The substrate is 6mm MDF sitting in grooved Jarrah framing.

20th November 2006, 08:43 PM
Its common to use downgrade veneer in out of sight places

20th November 2006, 08:51 PM
G'day Bob,
So its always veneer??
There's no "throw away stuff" that would suffice??


Thanks Noel

20th November 2006, 08:58 PM
The reason for veneering both sides is to prevent the board warping from differential expansion/contraction, which it will inevitably do otherwise. The veneer on the hidden side doesn't need to be good material, but it should be about the same thickness and expand/contract about the same amount as the face veneer. Can you cut your own veneer from some scrap on the bandsaw?

20th November 2006, 10:47 PM
Thanks for that AlexS,
The hidden fact in your post was that both sides need to be the same thickness......so, the bandsaw isn't finished yet.......so I'll work out something that is the same thickness as what I want on the outside.
I've just had another read through every reference I had on veneering, and same thickness wasn't mentioned.......(maybe the assume all veneers are the same thickness).
Thanks again,

20th November 2006, 10:51 PM
Do unto one side as you would do unto the other.

You WILL pay dearly for forgetting this golden rule no matter what the heck you use, veneer, laquer or paint. Wood will warp, how much depends on how different either side is.

So yes, veneer.

(I learned this the hard way, don't be a dope like me. ;) )

20th November 2006, 11:13 PM
[QUOTE=Schtoo;413699]Do unto one side as you would do unto the other.

That's almost Biblical
Understood though, and a project re-think is happening as we speak.
I wish I'd also bought some really ordinary veneer at the same time as I bought the nice stuff.

Carry Pine
21st November 2006, 05:14 PM
There was tons of old veneer for sale on the Buy Sell and Swap thread recently. Even if you didn't buy it you may be able to track down the buyer. Otherwise contact Martrix - highly recommended.

Carry Pine

21st November 2006, 06:26 PM
Thanks Carry Pine,
I've avoided the buy sell and swap area until now, as I had so much else to read about.
That'll change!

21st November 2006, 10:03 PM
Don't know if you have a reverse garbage down there, but the one here sometimes has heaps of veneer - pretty ordinary, but fine for wht you want.