View Full Version : turning threads

Good Wood
3rd May 2003, 07:51 PM
Dear All.........although I have not been in the habit of logging on to this site (I promise to mend my ways) I often check this forum for words of wisdom. Sometimes I even see them!
Would some kind person out there like to share with me the principle of turning screw threads on end grain boxes?
I have seen jigs illustrated in books, and I understand you can buy sets of tools but that is far as I have got. What is the best way to go? Help. Thanks.:confused:

Jean Michel
4th May 2003, 06:48 AM
Hi John,

There might not be any best way to do it, there might be a few ways... After having not much success with the hand chasing method I looked around to see what was used and done...

I ended up making my own machine based on a few I have seen on the net. You can have a look at it on my site in the Woodturning Jigs I believe... Look around, most of the pictures hide some bigger ones and more pictures... Grab a coffee as there are a lot of pictures...


My site is:


4th May 2003, 07:36 PM
Jean michel
Over the last 10 months, I have read with great interest all of your posts.
Your work is outstanding, as are your innovative ways of improvisation.
Best Regards

Jean Michel
5th May 2003, 08:29 AM
Hi Mick,

Thanks for the kind words... I get ideas from here and there and then make my own designs, it is fun to have internet as ideas travel fast and far in no time, this is what makes progress and also, I love to share and learn...

Back to my clock turning!

Have fun, safely!
