View Full Version : Bi fold doors

12th December 2006, 03:02 PM
Hei Folks,
The mother in law (and she is pretty good as mother in laws go) has asked for some bi fold doors as an xmas pressie.
It's a rental place so they have to be free standing, the size is 2100 high by about 1470 wide.
I figured build two sets of two panels each to make up the gap, construction will be 35mm square pine with recessed 3mm melamine panels.
My main concern is stability because the panels will be tall and relatively narrow, but building them in one peice is out because they need to be moveable by a 50+ lady.
I'm also unsure as to whether I should put feet on them - this would add stability but stop them from being folded flat.

Anyone got any thoughts or idea on how I should go?

joe greiner
12th December 2006, 10:53 PM
How about offsetting the feet? Each set is a "V" when partially open. On leg number one, put feet at the vertex and one end; on leg number two, put the foot back from the end, so it can slide under the other leg. Foot at end of leg number one also slides under leg number two. Provide extra clearance between top of foot and bottom of panel for easier movement.
