View Full Version : Straight through wiring.

22nd December 2006, 07:50 PM
I am toying with the idea of putting a straight through switch on my next project. IE A switch that bypasses the volume and tone network and runs the raw signal straight from the pickup to the amp.

I got the idea from the old Tele esquire which was a cheaper 1 pickup version of the 50's telecaster. They had a 3 way switch with the front position using a cap that emulated the neck pickup. IE a more bassy kind of sound that was pretty crap. The middle switched in the tone and volume and back was pickup direct to amp and from what I have heard a totally killer sound.

Any one done anything like this?

22nd December 2006, 08:22 PM
The effectiveness depends on the quality of the components (pickups), but it generally has a slightly brighter, sometimes slightly louder output.

23rd December 2006, 04:20 PM
I've done a few requests similar to that Ray. Never put in a switch, but have been asked on several occasions to wire the bridge pickup straight to the volume then out, bypassing evereything else. It does seem to get more sound out of it.

24th December 2006, 10:11 AM
I've used that circuit on a few Tele style tenor guitars I've made... just one Tele bridge pickup and the Esquire circuit. More usually I use a GFS dual rail Tele bridge pickup and have it switchable between single coil and humbucker modes.

I've thought about having a switch that selects either the vol/tone circuit or goes straight to the jack... it should make it brighter and LOUDER. :cool: