View Full Version : Hey Guys new here

27th December 2006, 10:55 AM
Gday guys, looks like an awesome site here. I'm suprised I haven't stumbled across it before. Anyway, me and my mate have ambitously started to build 2 solid body electric guitars. We're working from a boook written by Roger Siminoff, i'm sure a few people will know who im talking about.

The whole project is alot of fun, and very expensive, with all the tools/machinery/timber involved. After these guitars are done we plan to make more and sell them.

We've cut out the body, we're currently up to carving/shaping the neck.

Anyways i'll post some pictures of our workshop and our progress soon.

Cheers guys,


27th December 2006, 10:58 AM
Gidday Kenny,

You will find an unbelievable wealth of knowledge here already, and more contributions are always welcome.

Have a good look around - there will be posts in all sorts of forums here that will be of interest to you.


27th December 2006, 11:21 AM
Welcome to the forum Kenny.

Yes, luthiery can get expensive but there are lots of ways to keep your costs down. You can get by with a minimum amount of machinery and with a fairly basic set of hand tools. I'm building acoustics and my only power tools are a band saw and 3 routers (you can get by with one).

As far as expensive goes..I use Brazilian Rosewood as my yard stick. I recently picked up a BRW back and side set for $US400.

Cheers Martin

27th December 2006, 03:19 PM
Hi everyone! I'm Kenny_qcg's mate mentioned in the above post. Just introducing myself... I'm Fil by the way. Does indeed look like a pretty handy site. This will be most helpful in our first efforts of luthiery! We'll try not to ask too many stupid questions particularly if they've already been covered somewhere on the forum... but it may happen :p

27th December 2006, 05:41 PM
Welcome and good luck with your projects.
There are no stupid questions. Stupid is not asking.

You will see in the menu bar at the top "Search". Use that and you will find answers to many questions and lots of interesting posts on many subjects. If you learn to use the resources already available you will avoid the most obvious ones like
"Timber suppliers in Australia"
"which router is best"
"Are carbatec bandsaws good"

How about some pics soon huh??

27th December 2006, 11:28 PM
Heres some pics :)

This is our workshop....and pics of the bodies, and my roughly cut out neck. (Fil hasnt completely cutted his neck out yet).


28th December 2006, 01:05 AM
And the new bandsaw :)


29th December 2006, 12:30 PM
Welcome to the forum Kenny.

As far as expensive goes..I use Brazilian Rosewood as my yard stick. I recently picked up a BRW back and side set for $US400.

Cheers Martin

Merry Xmas everyone. Martin, were did you get your BRW from? I read somewhere that it can no longer be exported. Are you happy with the quality or would it be better to use a more readily available wood? Has anyone seen the Macassar Ebony sets at http://www.alliedlutherie.com/backsnsides.htm

I have bunch of projects going at the moment and will post some pics when there is something to show.