View Full Version : Tung Oil available from....?

5th July 1999, 11:54 PM
Does anybody know where in Australia I can purchase 100% tung oil so that I can make my own danish oil?
And any recipe suggestions for danish oil to achieve particular results eg a recipe for lustre or a recipe for durability etc?

Neil Ellis
6th July 1999, 01:17 AM
Hi Angelica

Try Beenatree Crafts at Cranbourne Vic. They will mail order to you. Ph 03 5998 2881. This URL will take you to their web pages:
www.ubeaut.com.au/beena.html (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/beena.html)

Danish oil is basically a watered down mix of polyurethane or spar varnish, linseed and tung oil. There are dozens of permeations but this is the basics. Experiment. It won't be any cheaper than what you can buy and almost certainly won't be any better so apart from the fun of making your own. Why bother?

Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif

[This message has been edited by ubeaut (edited 06 July 1999).]

22nd July 1999, 11:48 PM
I believe that BEHLEN make a pure Tung Oil.

Carba-Tec are the agents for Behlen so you might have some luck there.

Have you had any experience with Intergrain Tung Oil. It is a compound tung oil product and not pure oil?
