View Full Version : anyone out there

des dyer
29th May 2003, 02:42 PM
i wish to appeal to any woodworker!!
i have been advised to appeal to a particular section.
which as failed to respond.

My interest is in a Pantograph machine.
i have ring as many machine places i can find.
arts and craft shops.

the last advise was to appeal to anyone over the age of 70.
because the machine is part of history.

regards to all: des:mad:

29th May 2003, 03:26 PM
here is a start pantagraph (http://www.toolies.com.au/catalogue/ProductDetails.html?id=045325234501)

des dyer
29th May 2003, 03:31 PM
Dear Doorstop.
i couldnt agree more, you dont look your age!
but you don appear to have the wisdom of a old person.

i shall attempt to get google.
many thanks.
des;) ;)

Sandy Johnston
30th May 2003, 09:13 AM
Here is one for the pencil...


Happy hunting.

Sandy across the ditch:)

des dyer
30th May 2003, 10:12 AM
Dear Sandy.
thank you for the information.

and i would also like to thank you for taking time to helping me to gather all the information needed to make a purchase.

i am happy to say, that each Woody, as come up with diffrent information, and all every helpfull.

i have always known that wood work, and the choice of timber, is every complex.

but being part of the woodwork forum, will make doing projects much more easy, then being on one's own.

thank you all.

regards: des dyer:D

Geoff Egan
31st May 2003, 09:15 AM
G'day Des
Try this link http://www.timbecon.com.au/productsdetail.asp?prodid=27306&searchOffset=0

Timbecon catalogue page 43.

des dyer
2nd June 2003, 12:52 PM
Goodday Geoff.
thank you for the information.
i have sent for the information.

i am restricted to the size of router plate.

So know i shall have to seek advice for the woodies, that may have used the pantograph.

But they appear to be pretty thin on the ground.

I shall keep trying. I know a hundred times more this week, then last about wood working, just by being advised from members like your self.
many thanks.
regards: des dyer:)