View Full Version : Shock Horror! Woman tells husband to buy power tool!!

journeyman Mick
4th June 2003, 11:20 PM
Had to tear myself away from my workshop building project today (see photo galley) because SWMBO wanted to go shopping. Due to health problems she can't currently drive so I need to chauffeur. I dropped her off at the largest place of consumer worship and ducked down to my local hardware as the Makita roadshow truck was in town. Sausage sizzle, cold drinks, nubile ladies wearing nail bags and not much more, and the chance to catch up with a few mates. Anyway I told myself I wasn't buying anything as I've racked up about $4K in earthworks and materials for my shed and yesterday had to spend $380 on 2 new tyres as one delaminated. I did have a very good look at a drill though, general purpose 720 watt, 2 speed box, VSR hammer action (don't need that have a rotary hammer drill) for just $199, which if my memeory serves correctly is less than I paid for the drill it's replacing. Bought an AEG 650 watt drill, similar specs 14 years ago, gee nothing lasts does it, only 14 years of hard labour and the trigger gives up the ghost. A new trigger costs $70 so I figured I'd buy a new drill when I finished the shed. Anyway, I tore myself away and went to pick up SWMBO,asked me if I had a good time and if I bought anything. Told her, no, looked at this drill but spending money on tyres, shed etc. I thought I'd best leave it. Asked me how much it was and when I told her she told me to go back and buy it (as the wife of a carpenter she's got a pretty good handle on tool prices). Of course I had to obey, so here I am thinking I'm a fortunate man indeed, my wife happy to wait for me to build my shed before I finish our bed or build her a new kitchen. She was happy to use a sheet of ply, a couple of 4x2s and a brace of saw stools for a dining table for 3 years, waiting for me to build one, and now she orders me to go and buy a new drill. I ask you, could a man want a more patient, understanding wife?:D


Wayne Davy
4th June 2003, 11:30 PM

Your a lucky, lucky man! Hang on to that one.

4th June 2003, 11:48 PM
I must say, my SWMBO is a keeper.
On several occassions I have mentioned some interest in a particular power tool and within a month (often less), she has taken the opportunity to pick it up for me...

Ahhh, will my luck run out? :)
or do I have a SWMBO angel?

Wayne Davy
4th June 2003, 11:52 PM
Mine is not bad - she won't go out and buy me a new toy.. er. Tool but, if I say I need it to do something she has asked me to make/fix, she says Ok.

Jim Carroll
4th June 2003, 11:58 PM
There has to be a catch to this. What has she got on layby that she is not telling you about.:D Remember you are the one that dropped her of at the largest place of consumer worship.

journeyman Mick
5th June 2003, 12:14 AM
No, seriously she's very good like that, never does layby, always discusses larger purchases with me b4 committing to them. I trust her with my Gold card and she knows that when times are tough (ie. some mongrel is not coughing up for a job) that spending is severely restricted. When we first got married I'd get the guilts if I bought a new piece of equipment (we were renting until just recently and she has a wish list a mile long of things she'd like) but when I told here she'd just say, "Oh well if you need it for work dear.....". She's happy to wait because when I do finally finish something for us (as opposed to the business) it's quality and worth the wait.


5th June 2003, 12:36 AM

Some things you need to know:

a) women know the value of bargains - the less you spend, the more they can (basic economic theory)

b) she wants that shed built so she can get you out of the house (accounting principles - cheaper than an extension, but as effective in getting her more space)

c) SHE owns you now....

John Saxton
5th June 2003, 08:56 PM
Mick ,as Wayne has said you've got a rare one there mate so more good fortune to you.
My wife is generally understanding providing I can Justify the expense on something that is required to be built and is in demand...but trying to pry the Visa outa them hands is like Arthur extracting Excalibur outa stone!

Cheers:) Good luck in the Shed progress

journeyman Mick
5th June 2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by q9

Some things you need to know:

a) women know the value of bargains - the less you spend, the more they can (basic economic theory)

b) she wants that shed built so she can get you out of the house (accounting principles - cheaper than an extension, but as effective in getting her more space)

c) SHE owns you now....

Actually its: (b) she wants that shed built so her car can go in the gagage, the toolboxes and hardware can get off the back verandah, my welding bench, 20 bags of cement and 100 litres of paint can get off the front verandah, and all the assorted odds & ends will get out from underfoot. Also she gets a new kitchen & assorted furniture.
(c) You are right, I'm hers....
but she's mine!


6th June 2003, 09:05 AM
Ssshhhhh...........two years on and SWMBO still thinks my Festool Rotex 150 is a $99 angle grinder ;)

6th June 2003, 12:55 PM
...for which you must have paid cash, non-consecutive bills...

or burnt the cc statement...

6th June 2003, 05:49 PM
My dear wife always enters the shed and starts "eyeballing" all the major boyz toyz! So now when I do buy one;
a) I keep it covered up with an old sheet {she won't allow me to take good ones off the clothes line}this is to keep dust off equipment!
b) If she does see it uncovered, I throw sawdust over it & tell her I' ve had it for ages, just been covered up.
c) If all else fails & she knows damn well it's new, I just tell her that the children (9mths & 2 .5yrs) demanded we buy it to make something for Mum!
d) make her any little thing to shut her up ASAP!

This is how I have sucessfully furnished quite a bit of my 1200sq ft in shed!

She loves me yeah, yeah, yeah!

John Saxton
6th June 2003, 09:05 PM
Sandman a man after me own Heart....:D