View Full Version : New burls

2nd February 2007, 01:21 PM
My old man just got back from a farm he goes to and brought me these. :D . Didnt ask him ANY questions, just a big big thanks. :hpydans:




Gil Jones
2nd February 2007, 01:27 PM
I reckon, those sure are a great haul!!
Maybe your Dad would like to come up to Georgia for a visit:rolleyes: :D

2nd February 2007, 02:10 PM
Seriously good score Benji.:2tsup: My advice - get into 'em green. Waiting for them to dry just makes them harder to work.

2nd February 2007, 03:37 PM
OK so if i turn them green, I leave about an inch thick and set aside for a month to dry. Question is, where on the roughed out bowl do i apply the end sealer to stop cracks:?

2nd February 2007, 03:42 PM
That's just awful, Benji... better send 'em to me so I can get rid of 'em for ya. Those things harbor critters... :o)
Turn 'em green... seal 'em while ya wait... (not for the cracking... but to keep 'em from drying out while ya turn the other...)
Nice haul!

2nd February 2007, 03:59 PM
OK so if i turn them green, I leave about an inch thick and set aside for a month to dry. Question is, where on the roughed out bowl do i apply the end sealer to stop cracks:?I'll probably be shot down in flames here but in my experience, if a burl is going to crack, it's going to crack and there SFA you can do about it. There's no 'end' grain as such so you would have to seal the whole thing to slow the drying process. End sealing is generally to stop wood drying quicker through the end grain than it does through the face - burls tend to have grain in every direction so it really doesn't matter.
Note: - I haven't tried water or meths drying methods on burls - haven't had enough cracking to bother.

DJ’s Timber
2nd February 2007, 04:09 PM
I don't do anything to 'em, just bung 'em away somewhere and forget about them.

If it's going to crack or split, there is basically nothing you can do to stop it.

I think you will find that just about any commercial seller of burls don't even bother sealing them unless they have been cut up into smaller blocks

2nd February 2007, 04:12 PM
So should i turn it to final finish while green or leave it an inch thick to dry?

DJ’s Timber
2nd February 2007, 04:23 PM
Either turn to final finish or leave them as they are sitting now

2nd February 2007, 04:43 PM
OK so if i turn them green, I leave about an inch thick and set aside for a month to dry. Question is, where on the roughed out bowl do i apply the end sealer to stop cracks:?

I have an extremley low failure rate if turned while green about 25mm and leave under the house for about 5 months. I leave a spigot on the inside of the bowl so that it can be finished, ie. turn & finish outside then the inside.

2nd February 2007, 06:01 PM
When you turn them over sized and store them put your turned shavings in the bowls and in a box so they dry slowly .

3rd February 2007, 02:44 PM
If you're going to finish turn it while green then do the whole job in one session. Wrap a plastic bag around it if you go for a break.