View Full Version : Dust extraction hood for Ryobi Thicknesser

16th June 2003, 10:08 PM
I have been reading questions on the forum and saw some questions on dust extraction for the latest Ryobi 12 1/2" thicknesser. My husband and I purchased a dust extractor hood from Carbatech made for their machines which fits exactly onto the Ryobi. This might help someone who is looking for one.

29th July 2003, 09:21 AM
Do you have the exact Item number handy?

30th July 2003, 08:53 PM
Dean I cant give you a part number. I looked for the invoice as it was back in november last year and was bought from Carbatech so would have been in the old catalogue. I have looked in the new catalogue and it is not there but someone at Carbatech must be able to tell you. Sorry that is all the info I have. Ditty:(

30th July 2003, 10:16 PM
Ok thanks I'll quizz them next time I'm there.
