View Full Version : Which Mill ?

14th February 2007, 03:26 PM

I want to buy a mill to machine plastics and Aluminum, I need something of fairly good precision and some parts will be 300x300x20mm in size.
I have been looking at the X2 or X3 but I'm worried with the tiny table size, I've also been looking at the RF-31/HM-31 at H&F. But I keep on reading bad reviews about the round column and how you need to reset it each time you move the head. The belt speed change doesn't inspire me a whole lot either.
Then there is the HM-45 with dovetail, seems to have everything I need apart from the price !!!

I'm lost :C
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?


14th February 2007, 04:19 PM
Hi Nic,
I went through a similar dilemma as you a few months ago.
The round column and belt drive issues steered me towards the HM-45 and that's what I ended up getting. I am glad I did after quite often having to move the head to a different height due to changing to a different cutter. I seem to always be doing that and I'm sure it would ???? me to tears if my mill had a round column! Changing speeds is painless as well.
IMHO, if the X3 cannot handle the size of project you intend on doing, then I would go for the HM-45. You can usually haggle the price down from the catalogue price as well, so that narrows the gap.
Good luck with your purchase.

14th February 2007, 05:04 PM
Hi Nic,
First off you are not going to get a 300 by 300 cutting envelope on any of the mills you mention. If you job is 300 by 300 but your cutting envelope is max 300 by 190 then you will be OK.

What Steve says is true but I had a round column mill before I got a HM-45 and found it very good.

Personally I prefer a belt drive as they are a lot quieter to run and you have an inbuilt clutch if you leave the belts a bit loose. Disadvantage is changing speeds and I found one speed does all because I was too lazy to change the belts unless I was using a large drill or flycutter.

Generally there is enough travel in the quill to change cutters on a job. You just move the head to a position where the quill travel will take care of your range of cutters before you start.

There is no doubt the HM-45 is a better choice so the hip pocket might be your decision maker.

14th February 2007, 10:05 PM
G'day Nic.
I have an X3.
Good Mill. does everything I need.
The X3 is a noisey little bugger Due to the geared spindle drive.

Will probably CNC it later on.

Mate in Tamworth has a RF-31 and swears by it.

The X3 suited my pocket and needs.

15th February 2007, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the replys, Sterob, is the HM-45 as noisy as some people say they are. Maybe I should go down to H&F and ask them to run it for me ...



15th February 2007, 10:40 PM
Yeah, It is fairly noisy. I don't have much to compare it to as I have note heard any others run. I think any gear drive mill will be noisier than a belt drive model. It's one of the drawbacks of the HM-45.
You have to compare ease of speed change with running noise of a gearhead to a belt drive.
I tend to wear ear muffs anyway, as I work in a power station, so it is not really a problem for me.
Good idea, go a see H&F and get them to run both machines for you and you can make a decision from there.