View Full Version : My first time

Don Mc.
14th February 2007, 04:32 PM
Hi Everyone. This is my first time mainly to introduce myself. My name is Don Mc Crabb from Shepparton, Victoria Australia. I am 70 yrs of age, I have been turning wood as a hobby for about 20 yrs and about two years ago started to make bandsawn boxes. My computer skills are limited as I am self taught and this computer of mine can't spell.
I am going to attempt to attach some photos of my work, feel free to criticize but be honest and no bull
Don Mc.

Sculptured Box
14th February 2007, 06:46 PM
Don Mc.

Welcome to the best bandsawn box makers forum, internationally. You can expect that the Forum members will be very supportive and willing to share their creative skills.

I can't promise a 100% non dribble/waffle/hand warming/hows your ?, generally we stay true to the principle of making!

I particularly like your first series of images of your work. Is there more to see?

Don Mc.
14th February 2007, 07:49 PM
Thank you for your comments, here are two more boxes made some time ago. I will be back again soon with more comments and questions. On the 10th and 11th of March Woodturners of the Goulbourne Valley are putting on their annual show in the East Bank Centre I will be kept busy helping to make the show a sucess, If any one wants to say hello I will be turning lace bobbins next to the ladies making the lace.
Don Mc.

15th February 2007, 12:21 AM
Top notch, professional quality work. Excellent finish with good choice of woods.

15th February 2007, 09:41 AM
"Top notch, professional quality work."
The clock one is my favorite. Great style.
Welcome to the Club.

23rd February 2007, 05:07 PM
Hi Don,

Great work! I too like the clock version - I think I am a symetrical guy. I have literally on 5 minutes ago (now 5pm Friday 23rd Feb 2007) discovered BSBs (yes I live in a very dark cave!)

Out of interest the picture of the box to the left of the clock looks like really interesting timber - what is it??

Thanks heaps and keep on making those beautiful boxes!:2tsup:

Don Mc.
24th February 2007, 02:41 PM
Hi Matt Splatt
Thanks for the comments, the wood in the box on the left is Brown Silky Oak ( Queensland )
Don Mc

Mystic Mtn
8th April 2007, 05:48 AM
Hey Don,
Just looked at you Bandsawn Boxes and you are a natural with you design and Beautiful finishes. May I ask what types of finishes do you apply-Teak Oil- Beeswax - Natural Stains? I like the Clock Design also. Kim

Don Mc.
8th April 2007, 08:06 PM
Hi Kim. Thanks for comments and kind words, I use an oil base clear laquer applied with an air brush, 3-4 coats. ( Found I had to double the size of the jets in the air brush otherwise it is too slow.
Don Mc.

Barrie Restall
9th April 2007, 09:41 PM
Very nice stuff, Don, I particularly like the multiple drawer designs. Nice finishes too. Look forward to seeing some more.


Barrie Restall

old dog
18th April 2007, 11:01 AM
great work Doc!!:2tsup: