View Full Version : AL-330L vs AL-960B

22nd February 2007, 01:12 PM
Has anybody had any first hand experience with *both* of these lathes?
I know it is a common comparison, but I'd like to hear from someone who has used both machines and what their choice would be between them. Is the $700 more for the AL-960B worth it?
I have been told, by a H& F rep, that the 960 has ground gears and is therefore is quieter running than the 330, which has milled gears. Are they THAT much quieter running?
Thanks for any input you may have.

John Richards
22nd February 2007, 09:55 PM
He He, Lets face it, after a month or two of grinding away in there they`d be
honed, or damn near so!.
